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Page Hall - Rubbish

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They could make some of these shops responsible for putting and maintaining waste disposal bins out there like you see on big supermarket carparks.

Then make it mandatory when selling items to ask customers to not throw things on the street.


You have to start somewhere if you want to get something done.


You start by not failing to maintain standards, enforcing regulations and imposing existing penalties.

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Maybe some of the residents who live there have a different outlook on life to the old Sheffielders who pass through this area. Different life values I suppose.




Yes but is it fair that so much money and resources are being thrown in the same direction all the time? And there are 6 PCSOs also just for that area alone. Those of us who live - shall we say more considerate and self sufficient lifestyles, helping ourselves instead of expecting others to look after us, don't get money thrown at our areas like that. Other areas are beginning to get neglected and run down.

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Did the council put the residents there though? I thought it was privately rented housing. In my area we have the same fortnightly bin collections as everyone else but there's no rubbish on the streets.


But is your area as densely populated? In Page Hall privately rented can mean subletting.

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I noticed this weekend there are only two little waste disposal bins there and they were absolutely crampacked full.


There was no place available for anyone to dispose of garbage, no wonder people throw it on the sidewalk there.


seems they do use the bins then, jam packed full, obviously the area needs more bins. it could alleviate the problem.

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