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Page Hall - Rubbish

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Nobody said it was but you should see them at work, I have not seen a single white person throw their rubbish outside Watermead, ever, no doubt some will but it is almost every Eastern European who parks that litters.



You don't think this is perhaps a little, shall we say, blinkered?!

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You don't think this is perhaps a little, shall we say, blinkered?!


Not at all Paula, all I was saying is outside Watermead I have only witness Eastern Europeans throwing litter from their car windows onto the road and path, I know white people do it but I have not seen them do it at that location, where I actually live on the other hand it is predominantly white people that litter, mainly kids, thats all :)


---------- Post added 13-07-2017 at 20:06 ----------


Take a stroll around the City Centre early on a Sunday Morning. It's like an open rubbish bin. Dropping litter is NOT the exclusive domain of foreigners. People in Sheffield seem to throw litter everywhere, regards of where they're from. Fines and prosecutions are the solution, without a doubt.


Not sure if anyone has been to Eastern Europe, but it's not 'the way they live' at all. I'm constantly amazed at how clean and tidy the streets are compare to the UK. No other country in the world has litter like we do. It's the 'not my problem' and 'gives someone else a job' attitude that seems so prevalent among the people of the UK. And no, that's not a result of immigration. Scummy people are scummy people. The UK specializes in them. We also like to put a lot of them on cheap flights to go and ummm.....drink until the early hours, make a mess, leave litter and be generally rude and loud in foreign countries every summer.


Aren't we special?!


This could be construed as blinkered dont you think.

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Ok, well fair enough.


I think this whole thread is quite sad though, as I don't believe we're all that different. It shouldn't be 'them and us'. I think locals in Page Hall are trying to integrate, and it will take time, but reading around it does seem to be getting better. Talking to people is always key. Their hopes, interests, thoughts and ideas are all much the same, in any society.



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Ok, well fair enough.


I think this whole thread is quite sad though, as I don't believe we're all that different. It shouldn't be 'them and us'. I think locals in Page Hall are trying to integrate, and it will take time, but reading around it does seem to be getting better. Talking to people is always key. Their hopes, interests, thoughts and ideas are all much the same, in any society.




I think you would battle with that opinion if you lived in Pagehall, I hope you are correct though, I hope they do integrate more, its early days yet in the grand scheme of things and will take time.

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No matter what you try to educate these people, the bottom line is they just don't care, you could empty six skips of rubbish there every day and they will still consider it better than what they left behind.

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I think you would battle with that opinion if you lived in Pagehall, I hope you are correct though, I hope they do integrate more, its early days yet in the grand scheme of things and will take time.


Well quite possibly. I think the real problem is that a situation in which an area can experience these problems by changing so quickly can exist. It's really a testament to stupidity that anyone would think a sudden influx of a different culture in an area WOULDN'T cause problems really- and that's a result of the unchecked immigration that the EU ushered in. It's not the people- it's the system.


I'm hopeful that leaving the EU will prevent situations like this, and that integration can be achieved as the result of a more managed and controlled attitude to immigration.


---------- Post added 13-07-2017 at 20:18 ----------


No matter what you try to educate these people, the bottom line is they just don't care, you could empty six skips of rubbish there every day and they will still consider it better than what they left behind.


Now THERE'S an attitude that increases the 'them and us' divide. Remarkable.

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Well quite possibly. I think the real problem is that a situation in which an area can experience these problems by changing so quickly can exist. It's really a testament to stupidity that anyone would think a sudden influx of a different culture in an area WOULDN'T cause problems really- and that's a result of the unchecked immigration that the EU ushered in. It's not the people- it's the system.


I'm hopeful that leaving the EU will prevent situations like this, and that integration can be achieved as the result of a more managed and controlled attitude to immigration.


Absolutely Paula :thumbsup:

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This thing about integration, do we actually see much of it ?

In terms of where people choose to live, from what I see, most like to live within communities of their own, of course there are some exceptions, but just like the British communities abroad (on the 'Costas' for example) people generally like the knowledge and comfort of living amongst their own.

In my opinion it is for those who come here to sometimes try harder to integrate but just like our opinions it can't be forced, as for criticising some of the people who come here, why not ?

Generalisations are not illegal, indeed they are very common, I would argue very few people don't generalise if any, we see it from all sides on here.

If immigrants bring with them social and cultural issues why should people have to be so sensitive as not to criticise them ?

We criticise ourselves and our own, it seems to be a very British thing to do, surely people don't need to be accused of 'casual racism' or even racism for daring to criticise the negative aspects of immigration, because they do exist, it's a nonsense to pretend otherwise, that sort of thing is the main reason why so many people in the UK voted to Leave the EU, because for so long they had been silenced by accusations of xenophobia and racism for daring to do so.

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how long is this going to be allowed to happen? its been going on for years now and all you hear from the council is Education , Integration, while seemingly spending a never ending pot of money on cleaning the area every day and still there is no improvement . Theres even been programmes on radio Sheffield where Julie Dore and Brian Lodge promised there would be improvements and a crackdown on the culprits but still here we are years later, still talking about this area

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