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Page Hall - Rubbish

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If that makes you feel better, you can think that. But in reality you're just projecting your ignorance about people from other countries. If you can't generalise about your own 'people', you've no right to do that about others.


Its not just my personal opinion but the opinion of a vast amount of people across europe who have lived near Roma communities.


I have never read or seen a good thing said about them. Even the pakistani community in Page Hall are moving out because they are sick of them.


We have over 5000 chinese students in Sheffield and no one has one bad word to say about them. Lovely people who integratre well and dont cause any problems. If i was racist i would be moaning about them too.


Ive got Romanian friends and they hate the Roma.


And for people who apparently are on low incomes they seem to have hundreds of kids. And they let them run riot

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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Every morning around 7pm I pass through Page Hall on my way to work and the area around the shops and side roads are absolutely disgusting with the amount of litter. The Council are there every morning cleaning up. Around 3.15pm on my way home it looks just as bad. Come on people of Page Hall have some respect for the area you live in. PUT YOUR LITTER IN THE BINS OR TAKE IT HOME AND PUT IT IN THE BIN.
the area is full of rats and vermin!
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Its not just my personal opinion but the opinion of a vast amount of people across europe who have lived near Roma communities.


I have never read or seen a good thing said about them. Even the pakistani community in Page Hall are moving out because they are sick of them.


We have over 5000 chinese students in Sheffield and no one has one bad word to say about them. Lovely people who integratre well and dont cause any problems. If i was racist i would be moaning about them too.


Stop talking common sense . The usual subjects will be along soon claiming racism and do their best to get the thread closed

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For me this thread is about respect the area in which you live, so that you, your children and other residents enjoy living in the area.


It doesn't matter what race, religion etc anyone is.

if that's the case then the residents who live there should be having words with the culprits BUT guess what they don't give a flying ! if my neighbours were dropping crap every where then not only me would be giving them what for !
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It would be worth Googling Lunix IX, Slovakia. It is where most of the Roma community come from. The people are treated as second class citizens, combine that with poverty and no education. These factors must influence their attitudes and feelings. I think it can be very easy to judge people without knowing about them.


My mother lives near pagehall and it is bad, I'm optimistic that the newer generation of Roma will begin to value and respect the area, see it as home rather than temporary shelter.

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Strange, I was at Deepcar site thhis mornining and the vehicle behind me was a van.


not a long wheelbase van .


---------- Post added 13-07-2017 at 23:27 ----------


Ok, well fair enough.


I think this whole thread is quite sad though, as I don't believe we're all that different. It shouldn't be 'them and us'. I think locals in Page Hall are trying to integrate, and it will take time, but reading around it does seem to be getting better. Talking to people is always key. Their hopes, interests, thoughts and ideas are all much the same, in any society.




They have no intention of integrating .


---------- Post added 13-07-2017 at 23:28 ----------


how long is this going to be allowed to happen? its been going on for years now and all you hear from the council is Education , Integration, while seemingly spending a never ending pot of money on cleaning the area every day and still there is no improvement . Theres even been programmes on radio Sheffield where Julie Dore and Brian Lodge promised there would be improvements and a crackdown on the culprits but still here we are years later, still talking about this area


It was sheffield council who created this mess in the first place.

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Well quite possibly. I think the real problem is that a situation in which an area can experience these problems by changing so quickly can exist. It's really a testament to stupidity that anyone would think a sudden influx of a different culture in an area WOULDN'T cause problems really- and that's a result of the unchecked immigration that the EU ushered in. It's not the people- it's the system.


I'm hopeful that leaving the EU will prevent situations like this, and that integration can be achieved as the result of a more managed and controlled attitude to immigration.


---------- Post added 13-07-2017 at 20:18 ----------



Now THERE'S an attitude that increases the 'them and us' divide. Remarkable.

It's not my "them and us" divide it's the way they live and seem to be happy doing it, why is it when you point a finger at these immigrants it's us who are wrong? when they show their hatred of us.

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