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Has Tony Blair Lost His Marbles.

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I see on the News that Bliar has had "talks" with someone representing the EU, and by a Bliar miracle he tells us we can have restricted movement if we were to cancel or amend our Brexit plans. Odd that he has neglected to tell us who the EU representative was, and even odder that the "big wigs" of the EU deny any contact with Bliar and poo poo the idea of any restriction of movement.


So has Bliar finally lost his marbles in his desire to remain within the corrupt EU.



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In my opinion Tony Blair has a Messiah complex. He is a narcissist who believes in his own mind that he knows what is right for all of us.


I'm not alone in that opinion, Robert Harris the author who knows him well holds the same opinion.




Blair regrets leaving politics earlier than he needed to, and wants to intervene in today's 'interesting times'.


Unfortunately for him his day is done, his reputation is shot and no one wants to listen to his opinions.


In short, he is not the Messiah, he is a very naughty boy.

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Maggie's greatest legacy with a cherry on top!


Under Blair the financial sector went rogue. He helped create the conditions for rampant house price inflation which has never really subsided.


He helped create a cohort of older generations that have been fortunate to hoard wealth and assets. He enhanced support for the Tories.


He made bad decisions about accession countries to the EU and limits on immigration.


His governments introduced tuition fees. They marketised the NHS.


He laid the foundations for much of what is going wrong today, almost like he helped build a big playground for Tory governments to run riot in.


Don't get me started on the wars


A disgrace of a man.

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Under Blair the financial sector went rogue. He helped create the conditions for rampant house price inflation which has never really subsided.


He helped create a cohort of older generations that have been fortunate to hoard wealth and assets. He enhanced support for the Tories.


He made bad decisions about accession countries to the EU and limits on immigration.


His governments introduced tuition fees. They marketised the NHS.


He laid the foundations for much of what is going wrong today, almost like he helped build a big playground for Tory governments to run riot in.


Don't get me started on the wars


A disgrace of a man.


That we agree on.

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