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Has Tony Blair Lost His Marbles.

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isnt it funny all the lefties and centre left that probably voted this champagne socialist into power years ago are all now wiping their hands of him on here and elsewhere?? how hypocritical:hihi:

the man is only out for his own gains!! at least capitalists and conservatives admit that:roll:


It's not hypocritical. He duped everyone.


What a knob he was.

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Originally Posted by Lord Rex View Post

the EU could have made reforms before the EU referendum...



They were not asked to.


Take me to your lizard...



I remember Cameron visiting the EU before we had the vote. He told us he would get reforms for us. He returned with nothing credible, the EU thought they were invincible and basically told Cameron to bugger off.


My my, how wrong they were, thanks to Nigel Farage.



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And Cable has backed him saying we don't need to leave the EU to sort immigration problems, both are mad. We all know in the EU we can't have control over our own borders. I wouldn't trust Blair with anything


It depends on what you think the immigration problems are.


Can we send back EU immigrants who do not find work? Yes, totally within the rules.


Are excessive numbers of EU immigrants claiming benefits? No, no evidence of that.


Can we refuse entry to EU immigrants with criminal records. Yes, always been able to do that.


Do we have full control of non-EU immigration? Yes, we have always had that control.


We can do all this now so what are the problems exactly?

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It depends on what you think the immigration problems are.


Can we send back EU immigrants who do not find work? Yes, totally within the rules.

this i will take your word for although i thought they could come over if they are in the eu but not 100% with the rules on that.


Are excessive numbers of EU immigrants claiming benefits? No, no evidence of that.

there was a progamme on tv looking at a guy that actively gets groups of immigrants in the country, finds them work for a couple of weeks to get a nat insurance number then claim benefits for their family in other countrys so i don't believe that


Can we refuse entry to EU immigrants with criminal records. Yes, always been able to do that.


Do we have full control of non-EU immigration? Yes, we have always had that control.

yes we might have full control of non eu immigration but that isn't the issue, it's the ones inside the eu we can't do anything about if we stay in. leave and we have full control of non eu and eu immigration.


We can do all this now so what are the problems exactly?


we are all going to have different opinions but i wouldn't trust what Blair says, i'm sure he must pick up or picked up a few quid from the eu

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we are all going to have different opinions but i wouldn't trust what Blair says, i'm sure he must pick up or picked up a few quid from the eu


I'd expect some kind of globalisation agenda is partly influencing his thoughts.


Basically many businesses want cheap flexible labour on tap, and for them the current arrangement is just fine. He's probably just parroting what businesses are telling him.


This cheap flexible workforce have different demands to many UK citizens. Many don't necessarily want stable well-paid jobs in specific locations. Many don't want mortgages. These workers help avoid the big questions that if resolved would probably hurt Blair: we couldn't have a readjustment of the housing market could we could that would harm his property portfolio, for example.


Tell you what, history is going to judge him much worse than Thatcher. Give it 20 years and he'll be utterly and totally reviled.

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please elaborate:roll:


Strewth, I must remember to change down a gear when talking to you: he is a snake who is trousering: stuffing his trouser pockets with as much money as possible.


OK, so it is logically impossible since snakes don't wear trousers, but in the context "snake" is a metaphor.


---------- Post added 16-07-2017 at 16:58 ----------


I remember Cameron visiting the EU before we had the vote. He told us he would get reforms for us. He returned with nothing credible...


Oh my. How gullible are you?!

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