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Road resurfacing, Amey & Streets Ahead

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I e-mailed Amey to ask what was actually going on. There has been a delay on my road due to 'unforeseen circumstances'. As to delays or stoppages being down to trees and tree protests- foreseeable if you go about it with zero consultation and zero communication like Amey have done. Ditto subcontractors not working if you don't pay them. Completely foreseeable.

Signs have gone up on next road to me that they are doing stuff. So perhas the way to get your road done is for someone on the next road to e-mail?

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All gone quiet on this thread. Part of an answer from Amey on other matters says,


"Over the summer there was a short break in our road resurfacing programme due to us appointing a new resurfacing contractor, Tarmac Ltd. Because of the change of contractor, we had to make changes to the previously advertised programme. We are currently in the process of developing a new programme of works for 2018 and beyond to address some of the roads which have not received upgrade treatment in the first five years of the contract.


Please be assured that we will continue to maintain all the roads across Sheffield’s highway network to a safe condition until resurfacing work is due to take place."

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They have restarted, but there are still plenty of roads in a terrible state.

Little London Road had been marked up for doing before the "break", but still hasn't happened.

The side roads around tescos infirmary road still look like a scene out of a war film.


I wonder if they actually paid the previous contractor before appointing a new one?

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as a cyclist im grateful for Amey finally sorting out the road surfacing and making it much much safer to be on the roads! I think theres a 5 year plan so therss still more to fix but they've done tons of re surfacing already.


its a pleasure to be on smooth tarmac and not rattling along the pot holes like we'd all had to do for the last 10+ years!

Edited by AdeleS
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i thought they had stopped resurfacing the roads a while ago ive seen lots of areas that have only had the pavements done and the roads left untouched also ive seen seen roads done that realy wernt that bad at all and others that are realy bad not touched


The roads that were resurfaced. you may have noticed,, were all the roads used for the CYCLE RACE,

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