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Road resurfacing, Amey & Streets Ahead

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Heard a representative of Amey on the radio the other day,he was bragging they had done over 350 miles of road resurfacing in Sheffield.I got to wondering where this has been done,I can't think of 35 miles,let alone 350,Whatever part of Sheffield I travel to I have to avoid potholes so I wonder if other Forum readers have any ideas.I do however see plenty of pavement work being done especially where nobody ever walks(eg on the Bithums).


A lot done around the town centre and as said for the TDF, why not actually find out from Amey or the highways department if you dont believe them?


Theres a streets ahead map here where you cna see the roads they have worked on as well as those they intend to.


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Down my neck of the woods in the South-West, Low Edges has been done, Greenhill and Dore will be done next year, but Totley and Bradway have to wait until 2017.


Half way through a 5 year scheme it's very likely some people's regular routes will now have been done, while others haven't.


I share concerns about the quality of the job and what will happen after the 5 year programme is complete when we're into the remainder of the 25 year contract. I doubt the surfaces I've seen, roads or pavements, will survive for more than 10 years, let alone 20+. But that's a problem for the next generation.

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The question has to be asked...and probably has been....but how/why did the Sheffield roads end up in such a state in the first place?


I had the misfortune to visit the city recently, and on leaving the M1 ....words can't describe ....the roads are just a patchwork quilt of badly infilled ..holes!


Other cities are not like that.

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