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Road resurfacing, Amey & Streets Ahead

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The question has to be asked...and probably has been....but how/why did the Sheffield roads end up in such a state in the first place?


I had the misfortune to visit the city recently, and on leaving the M1 ....words can't describe ....the roads are just a patchwork quilt of badly infilled ..holes!


Other cities are not like that.


Yes they are, I regularly drive around Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham and every city is exactly the same.


Chronic under investment over the last 30 years, but also 5 times more vehicles using the roads.

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The roads in Stocksbridge / Deepcar were due to be done this month but there was an announcement in the local paper saying the work had been postponed until Spring 2016 due to the weather.


They're still doing random sections of the pavement though and although this work was scheduled to be done during the day they were jack-hammering until midnight last week.


On our daily commute from town, through Middlewood and up to Stocksbridge is becoming increasingly painful with the state of the roads. I dread to think what they'll be like after this coming winter.

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The good news is that anyone wanting to drive all the way up to the end of the road at Redmires Dam can now do so on a perfectly smooth road, instead of the dirt track it used to be, and which constitutes a great proportion of the alleged 350 miles, I guess. Great news for those who want to walk the shortest distance possible to Stanedge Pole. Maybe a councillor lives at the big house at the end there?


Meanwhile, you still are best to use a Moon Buggy for traversing Crookes, mine, seen here parked outside the newsagent's.

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Yes they are, I regularly drive around Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham and every city is exactly the same.


Chronic under investment over the last 30 years, but also 5 times more vehicles using the roads.


The historic under investment is a national problem, as the money which local authorities use for road maintenace is given to them by the government.


See: http://www.ciht.org.uk/en/media-centre/news/index.cfm/roads-survey-confirms-impact-of-under-investment


According to that survey, nationally, the roads need £12bn of work to bring them up to standard and the problem grows year on year as the government doesn't give Councils enough money for this aactivity.

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The historic under investment is a national problem, as the money which local authorities use for road maintenace is given to them by the government.


See: http://www.ciht.org.uk/en/media-centre/news/index.cfm/roads-survey-confirms-impact-of-under-investment


According to that survey, nationally, the roads need £12bn of work to bring them up to standard and the problem grows year on year as the government doesn't give Councils enough money for this aactivity.


Hardly surprising when it takes the best part of eighteen months, start to finish, to rebuild a 97/98 bus stop.

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Judging by this thread, private industry doesn't seem to be doing much better with the roads do they?


Maybe the key are intermediaries.

We give our money to central govt, they give it out to council and council orders works.

We finance it but have no control over it. And those who have are in public, not private sector.

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Maybe the key are intermediaries.

We give our money to central govt, they give it out to council and council orders works.

We finance it but have no control over it. And those who have are in public, not private sector.


Once you hand anything over to the private sector you lose all control. Look at the mess the bus companies are making of the new timetabling.

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