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Road resurfacing, Amey & Streets Ahead

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Guest makapaka
What do you mean "find it out". The contract was to relay ALL the roads within 5 years of commencing. They've clearly failed to do that.


Yeah, you got me, I'd misremembered the start date of the contract. Oh no, whatever shall we do?


Not finishing by the agreed completion date doesn’t necessarily mean the contractor is in “serious material breach”.


Where did you find out amey were?

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Not finishing by the agreed completion date doesn’t necessarily mean the contractor is in “serious material breach”.


Where did you find out amey were?


Come on now, we've waited long enough, spill the beans! Who IS it you work for? It's become quite the Sheffield Forum game now - any mentions of Amey's poor work or the Council bring you out swiftly, no matter the thread. It's almost like a reflex!


So....fill us in? Go on! Who is it?

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Guest makapaka
Come on now, we've waited long enough, spill the beans! Who IS it you work for? It's become quite the Sheffield Forum game now - any mentions of Amey's poor work or the Council bring you out swiftly, no matter the thread. It's almost like a reflex!


So....fill us in? Go on! Who is it?


No one with any involvement in the streets ahead scheme.


Is there something I’ve said that you disagree with or is it just because I haven’t slated amey?


The poster said that amey had committed a serious material breach - i was just asking where that information had come from - the same way others ask questions when people post stuff.


If they show that this is the case I won’t question it further.

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The whole of Knowle Lane is being re surfaced at the moment, a large area of Carterknowle Road had to be re surfaced last year.

These roads were only resurfaced 2~3 years ago.

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Guest makapaka
The whole of Knowle Lane is being re surfaced at the moment, a large area of Carterknowle Road had to be re surfaced last year.

These roads were only resurfaced 2~3 years ago.


Who are they being resurfaced by?

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Guest makapaka
Lets say they are being relaid by Amey . You will probably say , well Amey are doing it at their own expense , I and others would say , is it acceptable that the road is being relaid after a couple of years


I wouldn’t agree it was acceptable as such - if it wasn’t causing significant disruption I wouldn’t really know why people were that bothered.


If it happened again in 2 years I think it would reasonable to then complain and ask what is happening.


Im sure It won’t be cost effective for amey to have to resurface the roads every two years - in fact it would probably cost tens of millions.


What do you think?

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I wouldn’t agree it was acceptable as such - if it wasn’t causing significant disruption I wouldn’t really know why people were that bothered.


If it happened again in 2 years I think it would reasonable to then complain and ask what is happening.


Im sure It won’t be cost effective for amey to have to resurface the roads every two years - in fact it would probably cost tens of millions.


What do you think?


People have already had the disruption , for it to fail after a couple of years and need doing again ,points to bad workmanship . You say if it happened AGAIN in two years it would be reasonable to complain . How many chances would you give them to do the job correctly ?

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Guest makapaka
People have already had the disruption , for it to fail after a couple of years and need doing again ,points to bad workmanship . You say if it happened AGAIN in two years it would be reasonable to complain . How many chances would you give them to do the job correctly ?


Maybe it is bad workmanship - what’s your point?


Do you want me to agree that every road has been incorrectly surfaced and needs replacing?


Could it be that some bad work has been done and is being rectified?


The point I was making is that if there is some defective works and it’s put right there’s not much else they can do - if it happened again in the same area it would suggest there’s an underlying problem in regards to work / spec that needs further investigation.


If someone relaid your drive - a pot hole appeared and you complained and they sent some other workmen and resurfaced it at no cost you - and you never had a problem again would you say they were incompetent?


I wouldn’t.


If I happened again I would probably agree with you.

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