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Road resurfacing, Amey & Streets Ahead

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Guest makapaka
I heard that two different sub contractors are used and that they work to different standards, can't quite remember the figures but it was something like one uses 3.5 cm depth of Tarmac and the other 5cm of Tarmac. It was a while ago so may not be correct figures but you get the gist. Would be interesting to know which contractor did which roads and how they are faring after say 5 years, think (again) was told the 3.5 cm depth would last about 5 years or so.


Thats not true - not saying your making it up but you've been misinformed

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but started by the tories:roll:


I'm not sure what the underlying point here is? You were replying to a comment saying that PFI was strangling the NHS.


Under Labour, 90% of all hospital construction was funded by PFI agreements, but somehow you laid the blame with the Tories still?


Yes, the Conservatives initiated the first PFI scheme (a bridge), but Labour not only continued with PFI but vastly expanded it.


If you believe that the NHS is being strangled by PFIs, don't you think that Labour should shoulder the majority of the blame? The inventor of the gun doesn't get the blame when somebody else uses it.

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I'm not sure what the underlying point here is? You were replying to a comment saying that PFI was strangling the NHS.


Under Labour, 90% of all hospital construction was funded by PFI agreements, but somehow you laid the blame with the Tories still?


Yes, the Conservatives initiated the first PFI scheme (a bridge), but Labour not only continued with PFI but vastly expanded it.


If you believe that the NHS is being strangled by PFIs, don't you think that Labour should shoulder the majority of the blame? The inventor of the gun doesn't get the blame when somebody else uses it.


stop talking sense :thumbsup:. surely by now you know its all the tories fault


---------- Post added 23-07-2017 at 23:02 ----------


True, but they were introduced by Major. The initial advocates of the "buy now pay later" economy.


as opposed to the labour borrow, borrow ,borrow and pay forever policy

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Guest makapaka

Nothing wrong with PFI when used appropriately.


The NHS is the wrong forum for it - roads and resurfacing makes sense.

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In addition, road flooding is mostly due to the storm water drains being silted up. Yorkshire Water is in the process of cleaning them out, but to clean them all takes time. Observant members of the general public can always report silted up drains to Yorkshire Water to help speed up the process.



Surfacing laid to the wrong levels and with the wrong crossfall can cause flooding but it's usually the gullies being blocked that cause the it and that is Amey's responsibility to keep them clean. Yorkshire Water are responsible for their underwater pipes but you can't see them. If you see a blocked gully, report it to Streets ahead or whatever they're called now, YW will just tell you it's not their responsibility

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Saw them yesterday digging.. i think your right ,its a record:(


On most contracts like this the Stats (Gas ,Water, Leccy etc) are given advance notice that any planned works they have needs to be done prior to the resurfacing taking place after that they are not allowed access for planned works for an agreed timescale ,unfortunately if they have an emergency like a leak or broken cable they have to be allowed to dig. I think one of the problems is that the heavy and vibrating equipment used in the resurfacing process often causes problems with the old and decaying underground stats equipment and leaks etc. occur. Also its not unknown for stats to manufacture emergencies to get around the no dig scenario ,takes a brave man to tell, the gas board say, that they cant dig a hole to deal with a gas leak just because the road was only done last week .

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Does anyone know if this unpaid bill, if it even exists has been paid yet?

Cannot find any reference to this anywhere except on this forum. Tempting to report this as fake news.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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