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Vermin control in garden

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I find an air rifle to be very effective. What is most important though is being fully compliant with the applicable legal requirements.



I won't use poison as I have kids and a dog so when our row of houses had a rat problem I got my air rifle out, sat and waited for a bit and got rid of them that way.

It's not a nice thing to have to do but it's a quick death unlike poison which I understand is not quick and extremely painful.

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Up until last year I kept 6 chickens (until my GSD ate 4 of them!) and the feed attracted mice and rats. I also found that the mice had migrated in to the garage.

I couldn't put poison down because of the dogs so resorted to my air rifle and took 4 mice and a rat.I locked the cat in the garage for a couple of nights and she accounted for the rest.

Not seen a one since.

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