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Woodburn Road School

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The last time I saw him was a few years ago with Dennis Hobson and Bruce Walker at a wedding he left early after a discussion confirmed he was a double agent.


i did hear he was doing deals with the other firm, but found that hard to beleve. bruce walker, anouther name i havent heared for many years. do you know john barrett and barry dorsey?. you still havent told me your name?. tony cannetti, remember him?.

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billy brumby...alan peirce....jeff seaman(he was murded in africa some years ago)....tommy pigott...walt christian...marilyn mycock....sandra cook....dqavid artcliff... george mitchell....edwin rayworth..just afew names of some people who went to woodburn school from 1950 to 1962.

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billy brumby...alan peirce....jeff seaman(he was murded in africa some years ago)....tommy pigott...walt christian...marilyn mycock....sandra cook....dqavid artcliff... george mitchell....edwin rayworth..just afew names of some people who went to woodburn school from 1950 to 1962.


I know the name Billy Brumby I think he was brothers mate, Glyn Hannan do you know him, or Malcolm Hannan, or Marie Hannan

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billy brumby...alan peirce....jeff seaman(he was murded in africa some years ago)....tommy pigott...walt christian...marilyn mycock....sandra cook....dqavid artcliff... george mitchell....edwin rayworth..just afew names of some people who went to woodburn school from 1950 to 1962.


My brother went to Woodbourn Road school with Bill Brumby, his name is Dennis Whiteley, we lived on Cottingham Street

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I know the name Billy Brumby I think he was brothers mate, Glyn Hannan do you know him, or Malcolm Hannan, or Marie Hannan


Bill Brumby is on the picture that you have which was taken in your back yard. Our Dennis and your brother Glyn along with some others are also in the picture.

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Bill Brumby is on the picture that you have which was taken in your back yard. Our Dennis and your brother Glyn along with some others are also in the picture.


You're right, its a good picture and what a bunch of likely lads they looked, Im sure Malcolm used to come on here, I will tell him to have another look atbthis he might recognise, somebody else, I know Glyn was always with Bob Megson, does anybody remember him, dont think he went to woodbourn though.


Oh where do the years go

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