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5 Year Old Girl Fined £150 for selling Lemonade

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Quote: A council spokesman said: "We are very sorry that this has happened. We expect our enforcement officers to show common sense and to use their powers sensibly.


"This clearly did not happen. END



A council official using common sense, fell off my chair laughing after reading that.

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Issued with a fine and then the council cancelled it. Someone was doing their job to the letter. Someone above who has the power to adjudicate saw sense and cancelled the fine.


Silly season news report.


The Jobsworth shouldnt have even issued the ticket in the first place.

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Yeah but should it have really had to go through to someone above?? I mean, a 5 year old selling lemonade!! it's madness.. and greed!


Hahaha i dont normally get wound up by these articles but it brought back memories of me selling ice pops on my little stall on my street when i was younger... I used to fill lollypop trays with dilute orange and put them in the freezer and sell them for 2p :hihi:


Its ridiculous isn't it,oh to be able to go back to living in the sixties and seventies.Its like living in a dystopian state nowadays.

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