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Supertram to be closed down by 2019?

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I might find their vision for public transportation exciting but that doesn't mean I work for them!


The notion of car pooling or sharing private resources as a form of delivering public transportation is not a new concept. Car pooling has been studied in academia long before the advent of smartphones or Uber. Of course it was all based on computer simulations back then.


Fast forward to the 21st century and we now have companies like Uber, Lyft, and Ford putting this into practice.


I don't think it's far fetched to imagine a future where our cities transportation needs will be based on algorithms, where mobility problems will be solved by simply writing lines of code.


uber is the disease of the taxis and not cheaper

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I think this thread has gone off topic now.


You start going on and on about uber and suddenly ormester101 makes an intelligent comment and you think it is off topic. Uber has had many multimillion fines worldwide for misbehaving and was banned many years for questionable employment practises in Netherlands.


This has gone off topic but it is good to mention that when people are not capable to stay on topic their answers and comments are not fruitful cause its profits and success are based on a new upcoming form of slavery that is developing in our computerised society.


Trams will keep us connected to reality, maybe if they are still here in twenty years a robot will come and check the tickets.

Edited by dutch
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I don't think it's far fetched to imagine a future where our cities transportation needs will be based on algorithms, where mobility problems will be solved by simply writing lines of code.


You haven't really said how this responds to the need to transport a few hundred people all at the same time, fans going to Hillsborough, the Arena or Valley Centertainment? When there are hundreds of people wanting to get there the Uber solution would be hundreds of cars.


Any intelligent algorithm would probably suggest some kind of mass transit, like a tram, that can move the numbers involved quickly, cheaply and at low cost to the passenger and environment.

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That is a very good point xsf7, Sheffield tram connects many busy important places to city centre, never mind Ikea be on that list soon as well.


edit: we used to like Ikea but aren't bothered anymore, we do remember huge big enormous car traffic jams going to certain Ikea on certain busy days. Thank god this one can be reached by tram as well.

Edited by dutch
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The latest article from The Star details more information and you can understand Barnsley and Doncaster's view on not wanting to pay again for something which they don't receive any benefit for...




"esidents will be paying for Supertram until 2056 – some 61 years after the £240m network opened after spiralling four times over budget, The Star can reveal. Owner, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive, has debts of £179.4m from ‘buying assets’ – a big chunk of which is Supertram. It paid £13.6m in interest in 2016/17. But the debt will still be £35m in 2029 and won’t finally fall to zero until 2056 – 61 years after the network opened in 1995."

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The latest article from The Star details more information and you can understand Barnsley and Doncaster's view on not wanting to pay again for something which they don't receive any benefit for...


Obviously there are Barnsley and Doncaster residents who work in Sheffield and who use the tram, not to mention visitors. They can't say they get no benefit from the Supertram.


All four councils signed-up to the Sheffield Supertram - they can't change their minds decades later.

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Reading the star article they pay rather high interest rates, we could get a loan better rate than that. SYPTE be toast if interest rate (sorry, when) interest rates go up or economy gets a little seizure from brexiteers. Britain has a good reputation to pay too much for too little, tram included.

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