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Supertram to be closed down by 2019?

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And if they're closing it and the rails are unsafe, do they need to rip it out? How much would that cost along with all the disruption? Oh and then all those unused tram stops which will look ridiculous and end up vandalised and in a state of disrepair unless they're fully removed.

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The decision will be taken based on an unbiased report by a Dr. Ernie backander Beeching (ceo BP, major share holder of dunlochelin tyres, acme car parts and firstcoach buses) a non council member. With that fine background we can have nothing to worry about.


Really you must have more trust and confidence in your government officials, after all they have your best interest at heart.


p.s. My condolences to him for the loss has has recently encountered, terrible accident that in which he lost his wife and 3 children also leaving him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Still at least he doesn't blame the tram driver, it wasn't his fault that he had the seizure and went through the lights that fateful night.


pps. anybody know where i can get a cheap moped.


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close the lot ,its a blot on the landscape,causes problems with its death trap rails,or go the full course and take it out to bradway,lowedges,batemoor,jordanthorpe and other outside areas and make it off road,so to stop such problems.


I doubt many would use an extended line that meandered as far as Bradway, even if it was off roads. The cost to terminate it at Jordanthorpe or Low Edges probably wouldn't stack up either, despite much reserved track being possible in those areas. That's where the Manchester Metro scores over Sheffield, because so much is on old railway line routes. It's much easier and less expensive to build that sort of tram route - unless t's a tram-train route, of course.


I'd guess a hard look will be taken at the Herdings spur. It's the first to be cut back when times get hard, and that tells us a lot.

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close the lot ,its a blot on the landscape,causes problems with its death trap rails,or go the full course and take it out to bradway,lowedges,batemoor,jordanthorpe and other outside areas and make it off road,so to stop such problems.


Wow, some of the most ill thought out comments ever to grace the forum.

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