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"Paedophile hunters" in sheffield

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If this is accurate, then the Paedophile should be locked up, and big deal if he got a punch to the head, what did he expect?


To be treated properly and according to the law, and I hope the person who punched him gets done for assault.


"...The man filmed allegedly tried to groom a 13-year-old girl online while in fact talking to a vigilante group ‘Creep Catchers UK’....."


I think you will find that the bit in red is the clue. I my opinion this vigilante group should be banned and so should any vigilante style group.

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I think it's a good idea. If someone was to do that to my daughter, I'd want someone to catch the scum.

Not only that, there's the people who class themselves as paedos ( the ones who don't do have any intension to meet with the young ones). These that are planning on meeting the youth like the man in the video are planning to go further into some kind of sexual relationship in my opinion.


That's where its wrong in my head.


Small note: a man got murdered not long ago precisely because some 'concerned citizens' believed fictional rumours he was a paedophile. If we want the police to catch the right people, we could start by voting in politicians who don't make massive cuts to police numbers. That's how you get justice.

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In my opinion this vigilante group should be banned and so should any vigilante style group.


Maybe not banned but it requires a closer look. I'd be interested in understanding what their motivations are. What's going on in their lives, what experiences have they gone through. Why has this become their obsession? Are they themselves fighting an inner battle?

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Guest makapaka

You can't have people taking the law into their own hands - even if the intention is good.


It's how you would very quickly end up with a lawless society.

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