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Eleven million quid for church windows.

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Well this takes the biscuit .

The Church have announced that they are to spend eleven million pounds not on helping the poor and dispossessed but instead to protect the stained glass windows on York Minster.

Day by day we see the homeless situation getting worse, people sleeping in shop door ways , we see schools, library's, working mens clubs, and hospitals closing due to lack of funds, mean while!!! the pillar of goodness that is religion ( whatever god one worships) decides that their temple is a more important than the very poor that they pretend to represent .


Every day on T.V we see the obscene wealth and jewelled encrusted churches along with their similar trimmed up priests preaching the message that the humble will inherit the Earth while practising the exact opposite .


There is more goodness in the local pub tap room where locals will often give their last penny to the latest local tragedy than there is in the ivory towers of religion.

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Well this takes the biscuit .

The Church have announced that they are to spend eleven million pounds not on helping the poor and dispossessed but instead to protect the stained glass windows on York Minster.

Day by day we see the homeless situation getting worse, people sleeping in shop door ways , we see schools, library's, working mens clubs, and hospitals closing due to lack of funds, mean while!!! the pillar of goodness that is religion ( whatever god one worships) decides that their temple is a more important than the very poor that they pretend to represent .


Every day on T.V we see the obscene wealth and jewelled encrusted churches along with their similar trimmed up priests preaching the message that the humble will inherit the Earth while practising the exact opposite .


There is more goodness in the local pub tap room where locals will often give their last penny to the latest local tragedy than there is in the ivory towers of religion.






Samaritans Purse, WaterAid, Christian Aid, Street Pastors etc. The Church and religion in general do plenty to help the homeless. It will never be enough because the number of homeless is increasing. There is nothing wrong with the church spending their money on the upkeep of York Minster which is also a tourist attraction. No doubt some of that money will also come from other sources too.


How about you direct your anger at overpaid footballers and celebrities? Or better still, donate to the homeless?


Stop using it as an excuse to bash religion.

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Well this takes the biscuit .

The Church have announced that they are to spend eleven million pounds not on helping the poor and dispossessed but instead to protect the stained glass windows on York Minster.

Day by day we see the homeless situation getting worse, people sleeping in shop door ways , we see schools, library's, working mens clubs, and hospitals closing due to lack of funds, mean while!!! the pillar of goodness that is religion ( whatever god one worships) decides that their temple is a more important than the very poor that they pretend to represent .


Every day on T.V we see the obscene wealth and jewelled encrusted churches along with their similar trimmed up priests preaching the message that the humble will inherit the Earth while practising the exact opposite .


There is more goodness in the local pub tap room where locals will often give their last penny to the latest local tragedy than there is in the ivory towers of religion.

Great point samssong but how do Working Men's Club's fit in there ?

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Hardly anyone "worships" there anymore.


Even though it represents and was built for something fairly unpleasant it's a beautiful building and is part of the tapestry of York that brings in 100s of thousands of tourists. It's a part of our history that needs preserving.

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