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Park Hill - Your opinions and experiences?

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Hello all!


I’m looking to start a thread where you can share your stories and about life on Park Hill – old and new. What were your expectations of Park Hill? What was the reality of the famous community and the ‘streets in the sky’? What do you think of the redevelopment and listing status – is the new PH a good thing for Sheffield?


Opinions are welcomed from all - you don't have to have lived there to contribute so feel free to discuss whatever you want, as long as it is Park Hill related!





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I can remember going into the newly built Park Hill flats when I was little.

I had an aunty, uncle and cousin who moved onto Norwich Row. It was like moving into a palace compared to where they had lived before,clean,warm with all mod cons ...... even a waste disposal unit in the sink where once my uncle accidentally dropped his false teeth !!! :hihi:

The concept of the ' Streets In The Sky ' worked very well at the time as people were used to living in close knit communities. They were still able to walk out of their front door onto a 'street' and didn't feel cut off from their neighbours. Even the milkman drove his electric milk float along these 'streets' every day.

It seemed like a dream come true at first as there was everything there that people wanted.... a play area for children, nursery, school, various shops and pubs.

Unfortunately the dream didn't last and the whole area went downhill until nobody wanted to live there, in the end the people who did live there were afraid to venture out of their flats. Sad really that the place went from being a dream place to live to a horror story.

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