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Donor conceived

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Hello, I'm Helen and I'm donor conceived. I was conceived using a donor who donated at the Jessop Hospital in February 1991, he had dark brown hair, blue eyes, blood type A positive and CMV positive. I was conceived in June 1991 and born in Liverpool on March 9th 1992. The reason I am positing here is because I have seen a few threads discussing sperm donation and mention of the Jessop. I am unable to gain any more info on the donor as the Hfea was only set up 2 months after I was conceived. In desperate to know more about my donor and any potential half siblings I may have. If anyone knows anybody that donated in 1991 to the Jessop please can they get in touch.


---------- Post added 26-07-2017 at 11:40 ----------


Additional info - I am not looking for any financial gains from finding my donor I thought I would mention that as I know some donors are worried about this. I am 25 and in full time employment with a young family, I just want to know more about my roots. Thanks

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Hello, I'm Helen and I'm donor conceived. I was conceived using a donor who donated at the Jessop Hospital in February 1991, he had dark brown hair, blue eyes, blood type A positive and CMV positive. I was conceived in June 1991 and born in Liverpool on March 9th 1992. The reason I am positing here is because I have seen a few threads discussing sperm donation and mention of the Jessop. I am unable to gain any more info on the donor as the Hfea was only set up 2 months after I was conceived. In desperate to know more about my donor and any potential half siblings I may have. If anyone knows anybody that donated in 1991 to the Jessop please can they get in touch.


---------- Post added 26-07-2017 at 11:40 ----------


Additional info - I am not looking for any financial gains from finding my donor I thought I would mention that as I know some donors are worried about this. I am 25 and in full time employment with a young family, I just want to know more about my roots. Thanks




Jessops ACU didnt start using sperm donation in IVF until 2012.


This is a raw subject for me as my partner donatr sperm, however I can tell you he specificalpy stated he NEVER wanted anything to do with any child born from the donor. He did it to help us pay for IVF and thats all.


When we spoke to jessops acu about it at the time it seemed thats what most mean thought!

Edited by Chazndave
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I wasn't conceived through IVF. The donor donated to the Jessop in 1991 and the sample was transferred to Liverpool Royal hospital. I imagine it's probably a more raw subject for me seeing as I am donor conceived and will probably never be able to find out where 50% of my DNA comes from. The reason I am posting this is not only to find out more info about my donor (I'm not saying I want a long lasting fatherly relationship with him, I have a dad who has brought me up) but also to find other donor concieved half siblings that may read this post. But anyway, I don't think you can speak for all men that have donated sperm at the Jessop and say that they categorically want nothing to do with their offspring, some won't, some Will, Did your husband donate in 1991? I would also just want to add that being donor conceived has really impacted on my life and I found your message insensitive.


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 13:28 ----------


Your talking about Jessop fertility clinic aren't you, set up in 2010??? I'm talking about Jessop Hospital 25 years ago.

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Good Luck with your search, I really hope you find out more information, I suppose back then some men would have said "i don't want to be found" but were many years away from then and with age people change.


Take no notice of any negative comments you get and take them in the context of information not as a personal dig at you. Some family's who find themselves in this situation where a child comes to light feel threatened by this new person so don't lose heart by negative comments x

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I wasn't conceived through IVF. The donor donated to the Jessop in 1991 and the sample was transferred to Liverpool Royal hospital. I imagine it's probably a more raw subject for me seeing as I am donor conceived and will probably never be able to find out where 50% of my DNA comes from. The reason I am posting this is not only to find out more info about my donor (I'm not saying I want a long lasting fatherly relationship with him, I have a dad who has brought me up) but also to find other donor concieved half siblings that may read this post. But anyway, I don't think you can speak for all men that have donated sperm at the Jessop and say that they categorically want nothing to do with their offspring, some won't, some Will, Did your husband donate in 1991? I would also just want to add that being donor conceived has really impacted on my life and I found your message insensitive.


---------- Post added 28-07-2017 at 13:28 ----------


Your talking about Jessop fertility clinic aren't you, set up in 2010??? I'm talking about Jessop Hospital 25 years ago.


As Im not from Sheffield I didnt realise there was another Jessops building. So my apologises on that.


We cant compare 'rawness' as we dont know eachothers stories in details. So lets not do that. All I said was It was a raw subject for me, as obviously it is for you, understandably.


I do however know how the donation programme works.

Prior to hefa, donors didnt need to leave contact details. Nowadays they do and due to this the number of males wanting to donate sperm has dropped dramatically in the UK. People fear that they will be contacted in years to come. My husband does. He donated to help us and a donor needing couple and was forced to leave his details, he dreads the day that anyone will come knocking (so to speak). Also as his partner, so do I. It will tear my heart apart because so far ivf hasnt worked for us and it may never do! So if someone contacted him myself and him would be devastated. I will just know that he made a child and I never could! I NEVER want to know that! We could contact the hefa and find out if it worked and if it did they woukd give us the gender and year. However we dont want to know. Thats our choice.

In our eyes, and many others, forcing people to leave details is the worse thing they have ever done!

It also effects those needing a donor as there is a huge waiting list because many dont want to do it for the above reasons.


I hope you find what you are looking for but try and be happy with what you have. Maybe the donor wanted to donate and nothing more, he could have left details if wanted. You could upset him if he never wanted to knoe if he sample was successful or not and thats unfair.

Edited by Chazndave
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