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Smart meter problems

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One of the main reasons for having a smart meter is that it is meant to automatically take the readings for you and send that information on. If the consumer still has to give readings then the meter is not very smart. Many people with smart meters are still getting estimated bills because of problems with the smart meter connecting up to the network and being unreliable.



I didn't mean to say anything about having to also provide your own reading if you have a smart meter. I was pointing out there should be no change (saving) by use of a smart meter if you have previously supplied your own readings (assuming they were correct readings of course). I apologise if I hadn't made this clear, I hope this clarifies my earlier post :thumbsup:


There are, as you point, out many problems with the (so called) smart meters but eventually these will be corrected, one hopes.


You know with all the problems being reported with usage of the smart meters, which in the scheme of things should be a relatively simple bit of kit, it is rather frightening to think of the potential problems with driverless cars and 'platooning' trucks.

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I have managed for many many years without one and don't intend to have one now or ever!! if you have one, do you keep rushing to look at it every time you put the kettle on? I have had a water meter for years and never look at it to see how much I am using. seems to me they are not worth the bother particularly if you want to change suppliers.

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  • 2 months later...

When I look at by bill online, there is no electricity used since the end of August. Not sure when I got my smart meter, but it was around that time.

My smart meter shows electricity usage.

I have emailed them about this, but they said everything was ok. I am £75 in credit, paying £35 per month,although I am a low user. I guess if they look at my bill to reduce payments, they will spot if anything is wrong. Otherwise I will just leave it.

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