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Fussy eater of a Staffy


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Does anybody have any ideas what food I can buy for a very fussy eater of a staffy? I've bought her wainwrights, natures menu, natures diet, Lily's kitchen, etc and she'll eat them for a week or so and then won't even look at them never mind eat them. The only joy I have is by putting some corned beef or cheese on the top in the hope that will entice her but even that doesn't work some days, once she's eaten the added extras she doesn't go back.


I'm literally binning money every day now and to be honest it's getting frustrating!


---------- Post added 30-07-2017 at 07:52 ----------


The thread title is supposed to say Of, not or but don't know how to edit it.

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I would be inclined to try a bit of tough love. Buy a good quality food, give her the right amount for her size/age etc and leave it down for 10 minutes. If she doesn't bother with it, pick it up and give her nothing else until her next meal. She'll soon get the idea and won't starve!

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I fully agree with the above. Cheese and corned beef will contain preservatives etc and if a child were offered cake with every meal and learned that if they didn't eat the veg they'd be offered more cake, I know what they'd continue to do. Dogs aren't daft lol and they won't starve themselves unless they're seriously ill like having a blockage for example.

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Unusual for a Staff though, my old lad used to eat food discarded in the hedge bottom! Once caught him with 6 frozen chops in his mouth! And he ate most of my wedding cake - that put him off his food for a couple of days

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We rescued a fussy boxer, which went on for a few months until he had his one and only visit to a kennels(in out ownership) upon our return he gladly ate most things. (The kennels only fed what we prescribed so unwittingly he was subjected to tough love)


I do feed home broiled pet mince though and he does eat it.

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My dad had a staff and loved green tripe from the market. A lot cheaper than other foods and better for them


one major drawback it makes ours fart like a trooper,the other day he dropped on in the van and i had to stop and get out.We now get a complete meal mix from the pet shop he is already starting to shed the pounds and no stink.

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