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Police outside Adelphi 20/5/06

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You can see why ppl want Niche to remain close. Both places are linked with drugs and having 20 black guys come with knives (gun was mentioned too) says that someone hasn't paid for their drugs or someone has been upset. I see no one has been caught so these guys are still out there and will turn up again.

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You can see why ppl want Niche to remain close. Both places are linked with drugs and having 20 black guys come with knives (gun was mentioned too) says that someone hasn't paid for their drugs or someone has been upset. I see no one has been caught so these guys are still out there and will turn up again.


quite agree, they will probably be back!

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I spent the early part of my adult life taking immense risks investigating drug pushers. So, please don't anybody think that I am in favour of drugs.

Though it is fraught with difficulties legalising them would overnight destroy the income of massive criminal organisations.

There would be no free for all, but rigid state control of the supply chain. Obviously linked with research into rehabilitation. The billions of pounds saved (and made) could be ploughed into rehab and research into what is apparently wanted; a safe recreational drug. We already accept alcohol in this regard.

It worked with gambling, it could work with drugs.

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ok - the drugs debate, always a tricky one.

Illegal drugs are bad, illegal drugs kill, illegal drugs are evil - FACT


But why is this so...

...it's because this billion dollar industry (3rd biggest in the world after arms and porn) it left, by our laws choice, in the hands of gun toting, trigger happy yardies/mafias/ganglords and other unsavoury characters, who are out to make maximum profit for minimum effort.


These people don't care who they have to hurt/maim/torture or kill to get what they want, they will cut drugs with all manner of other substances not caring about the consequences later down the line as by then it won't be traced back to them and they will have doubled their money, why should they give a toss aabout Joe Bloggs who buys one of their dodgy pills off a guy in a club?


Fact - the war on drugs is lost, past methods haven't worked, current methods still aren't working, if they were drug usage would not be on the up.

Surely with this in mind you can't keep drugs illegal, by doing so you are allowing the law to leave this billion dollar industry in the hands of these evil nutters.

Does it not make more sense to legalise the lot, give it over to a properly regulated company that can ensure quality and then have the government tax the **** out of them?

I'm not saying that you should be able to go to the corner shop and by a gram of coke, i'm saying that it can be prescribed (for a hefty charge) by your doctor, or bought through a chemist after you have had a medical of somekind and documentation for dosage etc. This way instead of telling people not to do it and have them go and do it anyway dangerously, it will come properly prescribed, clean and with directions for use and lists of side effects like any other prescription drug.

Heroin can be made available to habitual drug users who can register with a doctor and get it free, at which point they can be strictly monitered and put on a weaning program. How will we pay for this i hear you cry???? The recreational drug users through the tax on E and Marajuana etc. It will save hassel in the long run, as by being able to go to a doctor and having safe environments to 'shoot up' in, they will be off the street and not mugging your granny for their next fix.

To be honest, people who think that drugs should stay illegal baffle me. This is the way it is, there is no compromise, either drugs are regulated and taxed, or they are left in the hands of evil nutters. I know which i prefer!!!

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The differnce is that yes i do like a drink and I did used to smoke.

I stopped the cigs when I watched two people die of lung cancer when in hospital. If things are done in moderation then they do not take their tole.

The problem with drunks and druggies is that they do things in excess.


so by your rationale, someone who has a glass of wine with their dinner must be a drunk

and someone who has one pill in a club is a druggie.


not everyone who drinks and takes drugs do it to excess - there are some responsible people out there who can actually do things in moderation

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so by your rationale, someone who has a glass of wine with their dinner must be a drunk

and someone who has one pill in a club is a druggie.


not everyone who drinks and takes drugs do it to excess - there are some responsible people out there who can actually do things in moderation




i agree


just because people drink and do drugs from time to time dosnt mean you can class them as a drunk or a druggie


my opinion on a drunk - someone who feels the need to drink constantly, thorough out the day, cant sleep without a drink, drinks first thing in morning and last thing at night. they shake when they havnt had one, they've never got any money so they might look abit scuffy. they dont work because their constanly peed up


druggie - again same as a drunk but instead of drink, its drugs.

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ok - the drugs debate, always a tricky one.

Illegal drugs are bad, illegal drugs kill, illegal drugs are evil - FACT


But why is this so...

...it's because this billion dollar industry (3rd biggest in the world after arms and porn) it left, by our laws choice, in the hands of gun toting, trigger happy yardies/mafias/ganglords and other unsavoury characters, who are out to make maximum profit for minimum effort.


These people don't care who they have to hurt/maim/torture or kill to get what they want, they will cut drugs with all manner of other substances not caring about the consequences later down the line as by then it won't be traced back to them and they will have doubled their money, why should they give a toss aabout Joe Bloggs who buys one of their dodgy pills off a guy in a club?


Fact - the war on drugs is lost, past methods haven't worked, current methods still aren't working, if they were drug usage would not be on the up.

Surely with this in mind you can't keep drugs illegal, by doing so you are allowing the law to leave this billion dollar industry in the hands of these evil nutters.

Does it not make more sense to legalise the lot, give it over to a properly regulated company that can ensure quality and then have the government tax the **** out of them?

I'm not saying that you should be able to go to the corner shop and by a gram of coke, i'm saying that it can be prescribed (for a hefty charge) by your doctor, or bought through a chemist after you have had a medical of somekind and documentation for dosage etc. This way instead of telling people not to do it and have them go and do it anyway dangerously, it will come properly prescribed, clean and with directions for use and lists of side effects like any other prescription drug.

Heroin can be made available to habitual drug users who can register with a doctor and get it free, at which point they can be strictly monitered and put on a weaning program. How will we pay for this i hear you cry???? The recreational drug users through the tax on E and Marajuana etc. It will save hassel in the long run, as by being able to go to a doctor and having safe environments to 'shoot up' in, they will be off the street and not mugging your granny for their next fix.

To be honest, people who think that drugs should stay illegal baffle me. This is the way it is, there is no compromise, either drugs are regulated and taxed, or they are left in the hands of evil nutters. I know which i prefer!!!

finally, a voice of reason!
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yes you are, by drinking alcoholic beverages you condone the use of that particular drugnot necessarilyno but there are thousands of shops only too willing to sell booze to teenagers. that particular law about no alcohol for under 18s works beautifully!


teenagers who overdo it and get sick and need their stomachs pumped

teenage girls who get raped

lads who feel the need to fight to prove their masculinity because they are taught that booze is hard and what men do.


taught by people who condemn all 'druggies' while they chuck a pint down their neck and suck back on a pack of marlboro. did you know that clinically nicotine is at least as addictive as heroin?


a probability study in the late 90's concluded that the average smoker had a 50% chance of dying of a smoking related condition. the same study also concluded that the average ecstacy user had about a 0.007% chance of dying due to ecstacy related causes.


you've never once in this thread given me one solid reason why recreational drugs should stay illegal


you've never stated why drugs are so bad


you've never once asked me to explain my reasons for what i believe. all you've done is spout the usual tired illogical arguments about drug use and drugs.


the truth is drug users don't die. drug abusers die. and drug abusers are dying every day because they are scared of revealing their habit to the authorities because they fear prison. the system is against them and it always will be while people have the attitude of all drugs are evil.




Once again you seem to be missing the point.

Shop keepers sell alcohol to the underage to make money.

Drug dealers sell drugs to make money. Ok if they were legalised you could tax the drugs, How many people would buy something if they could avoid paying the VAT.

Recreational drugs like alcohol and cigs are fine in small doses and maybe your soft drugs are, but they can and do lead to the use of harder and more adictive drugs.

Shops are not allowede to sell glue to under 18 because some fool thought it was great to sniff it and told his mates.

Ask the parents of some child of theirs who has died from glue sniffing or an overdose of drugs and see if they will agree with you on legalisation.

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You can see why ppl want Niche to remain close. Both places are linked with drugs and having 20 black guys come with knives (gun was mentioned too) says that someone hasn't paid for their drugs or someone has been upset. I see no one has been caught so these guys are still out there and will turn up again.


dont stereotype, who's to say they were all black and how exactly do u know it had anything to do with drugs? or because u assume they were black, they must of all had knives and it must have had something to do woth drugs? omg, ur making so much sense right now it hurts:loopy:

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Once again you seem to be missing the point.
you sure its me whos missing the point? you still haven't directly answered any point i've put across yet

Shop keepers sell alcohol to the underage to make money.

Drug dealers sell drugs to make money.

that is true, the only difference is that alcohol is legal and by your standards socially acceptable while other drugs are illegal and therefore should stay that way. as it stands at the moment drug dealers make vast sums of money pumping out drugs of a questionable standard which mean drug users die from dangerous mystery ingredients
Ok if they were legalised you could tax the drugs,
and regulate them and make sure they were as safe as possible while monitoring a persons usage and if necessary weaning them of addictions. the most dangerous drug by far is niicotine yet it isn't banned because the tax on cigarettes raises something like £8billion pounds a year. drugs are relatively cheap to make so you could tax them to the hilt and think about how much revenue that would raise?
How many people would buy something if they could avoid paying the VAT.
only an idiot would choose to buy substandard dangerous drugs because they were cheaper if they had access to clean, safe drugs. besides you could make the fines and prison sentances so harsh for black market users and sellers that there wouldn't be any point in using black market products

Recreational drugs like alcohol and cigs are fine in small doses and maybe your soft drugs are, but they can and do lead to the use of harder and more adictive drugs.
and the socially recreational drugs aren't going to be made illegal so whats the next logical step?

Shops are not allowede to sell glue to under 18 because some fool thought it was great to sniff it and told his mates.

Ask the parents of some child of theirs who has died from glue sniffing or an overdose of drugs and see if they will agree with you on legalisation.

if drugs had been legalised and regulated then people needn't die in the first place. anybody with an ounce of sense must see the arguments for legalisation are compelling and are the next step.
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