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The irrelevant class.

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I think the silent majority are just that. Keeping the head down and getting on with it. Any protesters always shout the loudest and get noticed more. It's not right but that's the way it works.


Or perhaps the 'silent majority' don't have anything to protest about? I don't necessarily think that's true. Lots of people face injustices, marginalisation or exploitation. Perhaps it's about getting organised to get your voice heard. That's how change happens.

In the context of this thread, maybe the OP thinks that the working class as group have been marginalised in the media, and society in general. I think it's true that many working class movements have declined in recent years, and this decline is reflected in the media.

The media tend to go for the sensational over the ordinary.

I think it's such a broad area that the OP needs to be a bit more specific.

Edited by Mister M
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I think the silent majority are just that. Keeping the head down and getting on with it. Any protesters always shout the loudest and get noticed more. It's not right but that's the way it works.


Many people have no voice , they are not computer friendly , do not have access to forums , face book, twitter etc.


They are the ones ignored by the media, Government and the upwardly mobiles . This situation has happened before in Europe and South America and has often lead to the break down of society in those Countries.


It only takes a Leader who the underclasses see as speaking for them for the balloon to go up ,when this happens people who should have seen it coming wonder why it all went wrong.


Brexit and the election of Trump (no working class hero he but talks the talk ) should be the warning that to ignore sections of our population is a disaster waiting to happen.


---------- Post added 07-08-2017 at 15:14 ----------


Or perhaps the 'silent majority' don't have anything to protest about? I don't necessarily think that's true. Lots of people face injustices, marginalisation or exploitation. Perhaps it's about getting organised to get your voice heard. That's how change happens.

In the context of this thread, maybe the OP thinks that the working class as group have been marginalised in the media, and society in general. I think it's true that many working class movements have declined in recent years, and this decline is reflected in the media.

The media tend to go for the sensational over the ordinary.

I think it's such a broad area that the OP needs to be a bit more specific.

Just tried:)^^^

Edited by samssong
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I don't think there has ever been a golden age of when British 'working class life' has ever truly been represented on screen before in a concerted way. There was the 'Wednesday Play', and 'Play for Today' series of the 1960s and 1970s that produced some ground breaking films....


Actually there was quite a lot of major films late50's early 60's, that depicted working class life. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ( which spawned Coronation Street) Room at the Top, Live Now Pay Later, This Sporting Life, The Angry Silence, The Family Way and many more.

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Actually there was quite a lot of major films late50's early 60's, that depicted working class life. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ( which spawned Coronation Street) Room at the Top, Live Now Pay Later, This Sporting Life, The Angry Silence, The Family Way and many more.

"All i'me out for is a good time al;t rest is propaganda" .


Good film , top author, brilliant actor .

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Many people have no voice , they are not computer friendly , do not have access to forums , face book, twitter etc.


They are the ones ignored by the media, Government and the upwardly mobiles . This situation has happened before in Europe and South America and has often lead to the break down of society in those Countries.


It only takes a Leader who the underclasses see as speaking for them for the balloon to go up ,when this happens people who should have seen it coming wonder why it all went wrong.

Brexit and the election of Trump (no working class hero he but talks the talk ) should be the warning that to ignore sections of our population is a disaster waiting to happen.


---------- Post added 07-08-2017 at 15:14 ----------


Just tried:)^^^



I don't think Nigel Farage is at all a voice for the 'underclass'; but the media claim that he tapped into a complaint about immigrants that was said to anger people at the bottom of society: (perhaps years ago when UKIP were considered more of a threat to the other parties).

I don't believe that the media are any more interested in ensuring that the views of the underclass are heard than Nigel Farage is in representing the needs & aspirations of that class....

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This is not a racist or homophobic or in any way anti any one thread, it is a genuine attempt to see if people think that the media is obsessed with minorities .


Every time we turn on T.V or read the daily papers it seems as though there is a new minority cause to be filmed ,photographed and championed .

The list is endless , Black pride, Gay Pride,The Royals, Sloan rangers,inner City Yuppi livers,sushi eaters and wine sippers.


While all this media frenzy is ongoing it seems as though the silent, unheard unseen majority in our Country are ignored and that is the White working class .


It seems as though the media has no interest what so ever in the ordinary working man and woman in our Country and the only headlines worth their salt are the ones that portray the latest minority in whatever the latest cause may be .


Are the ordinary Joe and Janet's among us invisible or are they just not interesting .


fed up of hearing about pride this pride that BLM this and that, just get on with it and shut up and then maybe people would accept more instead of them constantly attention seeking:roll:

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The pride marches and celebrations exist simply because until recently people couldn't even openly admit to being LGBT. It's not attention seeking, it's bringing your attention to the fact that they still don't get treated equally.


---------- Post added 07-08-2017 at 15:52 ----------


Many people have no voice , they are not computer friendly , do not have access to forums , face book, twitter etc.

None of those things a) give someone a voice, or b) are required for someone to have a voice.

They are the ones ignored by the media, Government and the upwardly mobiles .

They are 'ignored' by the media because they aren't doing anything noteworthy to be reported on.

It's not an equal opportunities thing, the news is about noteworthy events (weather and sport).

They are ignored by the government because they've been tricked into voting conservative in the hope that they'll one day be rich and benefit from such a government.

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If there is one 'minority' that it is really invisible it is the long term chronically ill. persecuted and demonised by the State, services removed by local councils, their social care often a mess, often neglected by families, they have it very tough.


Though, i agree with the OP to an extent.

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