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Tesco to stop selling 5pbcarrier bags

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Yeah, good move - I'd like them to go to 20 p as a minimum cost for all bags anyway, if people haven't caught on to bringing their own yet than they deserve to pay.


It is not always a case of not catching on.


I use bags for life, been using them for years well before the charge for plastic bags was brought in.


But sometimes when I'm out I might remember I need something. I'm sure it is better for the environment that I buy a plastic bag there and then than it is to go home in the car to fetch a bag and come back again.

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@Love2print - I have to ask, if you go by car, why do you not ensure you have a couple of bags IN the car?


I travel by public transport, but ALWAYS have a bag with me, the 5p ones take up hardly any space and are free to replace (at Sainsburys, anyway)

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It's been reported tesco is to stop selling In store customers 5p carrier bags and instead offer people a10 p bag for life .is this a good move ? although on line shoppers will still be able to get the single use carrier bag


Why is this a main news story?


Do the news run a story when coffee rises 10p per jar?

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Normally there are bags in the car but sometimes we might forget to put them back in after we've been shopping.


I don't drive, it's my husband's car. So sometimes I'm going by bus or walking.


I yes sometimes after walking somewhere and back I might realise I need to nip to the shop. And I'm guilty of thinking sod it I'll just buy a bag rather than walking home and back again. But as I'm walking (good for the environment) I can live with the occasional bag purchase.


I don't buy 5p bags very often at all so I can live with doing so when life gets in the way.


I have two kids and sometimes I forget to take bags out of the car. Sometimes one of us will go back to fetch them, sometimes we just carry what we have back to the car. But if we are parked too far away we would just buy one.


I have a bag with me and a plastic bag inside that bag when I go on public transport but not always when I'm walking.

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In July they found another huge plastic garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean, I think a very small percentage of it would be plastic for free bags.


Charging for bags is a start; are we ready for plastic straws/plates and cups on the tax it more list?

Or maybe we should just ban them, do you care?



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