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Tesco to stop selling 5pbcarrier bags

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In July they found another huge plastic garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean, I think a very small percentage of it would be plastic for free bags.


Charging for bags is a start; are we ready for plastic straws/plates and cups on the tax it more list?

Or maybe we should just ban them, do you care?




Personally, I think the companies selling stuff are hugely responsible for 'most' of the waste in our society.


Once I've done the weekly shop, I find there's a huge pile of waste that just goes in the bin when you unpack your stuff and stow it in the freezer/fridge/cupboards.

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Personally, I think the companies selling stuff are hugely responsible for 'most' of the waste in our society.


Once I've done the weekly shop, I find there's a huge pile of waste that just goes in the bin when you unpack your stuff and stow it in the freezer/fridge/cupboards.


But companies don't have a conscience, its up to Government to set rules about waste and recycling, the EU were trying.

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If supermarkets actually cared then my lemons and limes (to name just a couple) wouldn't come* indiviually bubble wrapped and in a little plastic bag.


* this is for home delivery.


Your'e too right they don't care. Why is it that at the supermarkets I use they always ask if you want a bag ?

If they really cared about the environment then the bags would be out of sight beneath the checkout conveyer and a bag would never be mentioned unless asked for.

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But companies don't have a conscience, its up to Government to set rules about waste and recycling, the EU were trying.


The EU is indeed very trying - thats why we are leaving ;)


It is not the place of a government to rule our lives in such petty ways - that smacks of out dated nanny state socialistic thinking!

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The EU is indeed very trying - thats why we are leaving ;)


It is not the place of a government to rule our lives in such petty ways - that smacks of out dated nanny state socialistic thinking!


Yeah, health and safety, cladding regulations, they can go up in smoke as well. Damn Socialists and their petty rules.

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