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Why do organisations still use snail mail?

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It would seem to me that people that use the internet, also use email. But very few organisations use emails as a first preference.

Email is much easier to store and CHEAPER, so why not use it more?


I do have shares in Royal Mail, so part of me hopes that this will never happen ;)

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The small company I work for (I've been here 10 years) are increasingly abandoning 'snail-mail'...and we're more heavily reliant upon E-mail.


We send orders, and receive orders via email more and more frequently. In fact, Id say we send 95%+ of our orders via email. We receive (as a guestimate) in excess of 80% of our order intake via email. We pay our bills electronically too, and mostly get paid electronically. We 'do' occasionally get paid via post/cheque, but this is rapidly declining.


Of course this is merely a snapshot of 'my' company...Besides anything else, it's a complete pain in the arse to trudge to the post office to 'post' mail.

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I use smail mail regularly in addition to greetings cards etc.

Most of my historical expenses have had to be mailed in for collation by the accounts department so that they have the original records,similarly they insist on all employment documents be physically signed not electronic signatures.

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It's not a simple matter switching to email as a way of communicating, you need to have an IT infrastructure in place to manage both the sending and receiving of information using emails. Not to mention storage and retrieval of the data.


If you are a large organisation this could run to millions of pounds and even small organisations would not see the financial benefits of switching for many years.

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It would seem to me that people that use the internet, also use email. But very few organisations use emails as a first preference.

Email is much easier to store and CHEAPER, so why not use it more?


I do have shares in Royal Mail, so part of me hopes that this will never happen ;)


The legal industry does, but still has to rely on post (and even fax) as email is not an accepted method of service generally.

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We are advised that our email system is not 100% secure so we use snail mail in all instances. When corresponding with agents or customers we have to get them to sign a waiver to say that they understand the risks if they want to use email.

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