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Moped Crime Wave

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You can’t just go calling people names. Some of my friends have mopeds what they ride around on and they’re like in their 30s. It’s just cos they’ve not got enough brains to be able to drive a car


That's the whole reason why the first line I put is basically not to tar every scooter rider with the same brush. I know of some elderly on the old lambrettas in their 60s going to their local shops etc.

Oh yeah also it's Abit hypocritical of you to tell me not to go calling people names then saying they are too dumb to drive.

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That's the whole reason why the first line I put is basically not to tar every scooter rider with the same brush. I know of some elderly on the old lambrettas in their 60s going to their local shops etc.

Oh yeah also it's Abit hypocritical of you to tell me not to go calling people names then saying they are too dumb to drive.


I know you said that but you did then lay into them big time! I never said the word 'dumb' either. I said they haven't got no brains, so it's safer for them to use mopeds. Stats prove it too (abour 2 GCSEs between me and my friends lol)

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I know you said that but you did then lay into them big time! I never said the word 'dumb' either. I said they haven't got no brains, so it's safer for them to use mopeds. Stats prove it too (abour 2 GCSEs between me and my friends lol)


Yeah you didn't use the word dumb but more like described it's meaning . And I didn't lay into anyone personally I was describing the types of known crimes that are happening on scooters mainly by youths because someone asked what crimes other than no helmet are often done on mopeds.

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I've seen plenty round Fox Hill/ Chaucer on a variety of off-road bikes/ mopeds etc. Judging by the ratio of ear-splitting racket to actual progress I would guess most of these were 50cc or not much more. Aside from the obvious lack of helmets/ reg plates (and hence insurance/ tax / social responsibility) I've never seen any of them commit any sort of crime against the person. Not saying it never happens mind...


My guess is (and call me naive) that most of these are just kids getting a rush out of buzzing around in bandanas looking menacing, annoying people and dodging the police. I'm not excusing this but I don't think it's quite the threat people are making it out to be.


If the police actually made a serious effort to crack down on this I think most of it would evaporate and the bored kids would just find some other way of sticking two fingers up to society. You'd probably end up just swapping one problem for another though...

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You can’t just go calling people names. Some of my friends have mopeds what they ride around on and they’re like in their 30s. It’s just cos they’ve not got enough brains to be able to drive a car so I think actually the moped option is safer for everyone. They all wear helmets too to protect their heads when they fall off (this happens quite a lot unfortunately) and Ross even wears cricket pads too to save his legs when he comes off (went flying at that roundabout near Woodhouse the other day LOL).

For your records – none of my friends is criminals. Not really anyway LOL.


I bet they have mustaches and skinny jeans...

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I think the problem police have is if they dont have an helmet on they cant chase them. It all kicked off in london a few times where the police have chased kids without helmets or the police have "pushed" them to far and they have died.


IMO if they are riding around with no Tax/MOT/Insurance they should be chased and if they kill themselves its their own fault.


My point is if a kid on a bike kills someone walking down the street by crashing its fine.. but if the police push a bike chase too far the police are at fault?


This is just my opinion.

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The police called me last week to say that they had found my motorcycle on a field near Acres Lane. S9.


It was stolen on the 16th December 2016.


So they had been driving it round for 6 months. Care free


And these little scumbags arent master criminals...they are little chavs who probably cant even spell their own name.


They just dont fear the police and the police just cant be bothered with them.


On the brightside, i know where these little gunts are hanging about now.

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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The police called me last week to say that they had found my motorcycle on a field near Acres Lane. S9.


It was stolen on the 16th December 2017.


So they had been driving it round for 6 months. Care free




I think the police are scared of chasing them and dont want to get the heli out just for them. :/

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