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68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse

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Your entire arguement is built upon the fact that everyone is entitled to housing. WHY?


What does that even mean, "contributing to the nation's wealth"? How does that determine if you should have housing or not? If you can't afford it then you can't afford it. How is this concept even difficult to understand.


Life I mentioned is unfair, not because I like but because you can do something about it. If you cannot afford housing, then get a better job. If you can't get a better job then up skill so you can. If you don't have the will and prepared to do the work then you deserve all you get.


You all expect the government to make up for your shortfalls which is embarrassing and disgraceful.


Not all, but on the forum you may be excused for thinking so.

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An affordable one.


"Affordable" what a wonderfully ambiguous choice of word.


Affordable would be deemed perhaps two bedroomed houses available to buy from as cheap as £45k or maybe apartments for rent from as little as £280 a month or perhaps for those really struggling affordable would be room shares from as little as £25 a week. That sort of thing right??


That's just a quick sample from the private sector from one google search of things available all over this city. For those seriously looking for a roof over thier heads I have no doubt there will be even more options to be found. Lets not forget for those in desprate need they would even get housing benefit discount or rent paid for in any event.


Even in the so called impossibly expensive greater london area there are still apartments for sale starting from around £80k all within 10 mile radius of Kings Cross Station.


Housing is always going to be expensive. For decades its been known as the most expensive purchase people will ever do in their lives. This is not a new story.


Yes housing costs can and do sky rocket but they can and do crash through the floor just as fast.


For all the endless tales of woe it never alters the fact that thousands and thousands of these these so callled hard done by young people still somehow manage to get on the property ladder and buy a home.


For all those droning on expecting the government to bail them out, I have to ask, is it REALLY the case of not being able to afford a home OR more the case of not being able to afford what they would like to.


If its the latter, then unfortunately, tough. The world does not owe people a lifestyle. Cant afford something you like? Look harder or choose somewhere else.


Its what millions of us have had to do for generations before and will keep doing through future generations.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Whilst the original OP was referring to the level of homeless people here in the UK. Can I just go slightly off topic and say I absolutely despise...sorry detest the buy to let market in this country.

They are the absolute pits of our society, their greed means more to them than the chance for people to find someplace to buy and live. I WILL without any hesitation back any political party that decides to wage war on these feral parasites.

At the very least ALL buy to let properties should be capped at the same rent value as council properties, furthermore a hotline should be set up so tenants can contact their local council and report the landlord if they feel they are being exploited. And finally as unearned income they should be taxed to the hilt.


I cannot express myself enough of my utmost hatred towards these people. The tide will turn, it is only a matter of time before the penny drops and government realise greedy landlords have taken the proverbial.


I cannot wait.

Yes, we could possibly afford to buy a second home if we chose, we'd be very skint..certainly but pretty sure we could achieve it. But our morals and principles will never make us put our own greed before the security of another family's chance of a home.

Edited by mrcharlie
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An affordable one.


All new builds are affordable, it the land that costs, which we have plenty of, there is no need to build houses the like of 60s.70s which were are the time acclaimed, gleedless valley springs to mind. The main factor is that mass quality house building would depress the current overinflated housing stock and put millions into negative equity.

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All new builds are affordable, it the land that costs, which we have plenty of, there is no need to build houses the like of 60s.70s which were are the time acclaimed, gleedless valley springs to mind. The main factor is that mass quality house building would depress the current overinflated housing stock and put millions into negative equity.

It depends on what percentage of those "millions" are greedy landlords wanting to cash in...I'm quite happy to put them into negative equity. Then there's the silly sods that remortgaged their properties to fund the purchase of silly posh cars to impress the neighbours...sorry no sympathy from me there either.

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It depends on what percentage of those "millions" are greedy landlords wanting to cash in...I'm quite happy to put them into negative equity. Then there's the silly sods that remortgaged their properties to fund the purchase of silly posh cars to impress the neighbours...sorry no sympathy from me there either.


nothing to do with that, most are people that bought in the bubble years and overextended themselves and are still paying for it, I mean why are interest rates so low. If not to protect people that did so, can you image the repossession that would happen?

Edited by phil752
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nothing to do with that, most are people that bought in the bubble years and overextended themselves and are still paying for it, i mean why is interest rates so low. If not to protect people that did so, can you image the repossession that would happen?


So what's the answer? Because as things are it doesn't look too good.

Although this isn't a Brexit thread, It does somehow have a play in all this.

Personally I'm absolutely convinced this country is going to hit rock bottom in a year or 2. Too much wealth has been created by too few. Too much corruption, Too much dead wood, Too many benefit cheats. The UK today is a complete schithole. Add to that the massive decline in high street spending, massive bank closures, stores closing down, then add the never ending credit given out, shoppers buying stuff with money they don't have. It all paints a truly terrible picture of what's heading our way.

We'll ride it out, we always do...but we never learn our lesson!!

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