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68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse

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Or I can campaign to get Jeremy Corbyn elected as our next Prime Minister. Home ownership by the absentee super rich will certainly become an election issue. As will nationalisation of energy, water, railways and post.


Good times a' coming.


Whatever helps you sleep at night :hihi:

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Yeah. You keep dreaming that pal.


Compo the Comrade will be dead and buried before any realistic prospect of enforced nationalisation of privately owned companies along with the billions of pounds neeeded to pay them off would even be drafted let alone signed into law.


As for any prospects of the population allowing government sponsored theft of privately owned property from those who legitimately and contractually paid for it. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


But it was OK when Thatcher took our Nationally held property and sold it off?


Did she not realise a lot of it was going to end up in foreign hands.


Talk about selling off the family silver. Now, much of our utilities and infrastructure are foreign owned. We'll be asking the Chinese to build our Nuclear reactors next....

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But it was OK when Thatcher took our Nationally held property and sold it off?


Did she not realise a lot of it was going to end up in foreign hands.


Talk about selling off the family silver. Now, much of our utilities and infrastructure are foreign owned. We'll be asking the Chinese to build our Nuclear reactors next....


That’s because there isn’t a single British company that can build civil nuclear reactors.


You really are displaying idiotic opinions due to a lack of understanding or facts.

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But it was OK when Thatcher took our Nationally held property and sold it off?


Did she not realise a lot of it was going to end up in foreign hands.


Talk about selling off the family silver. Now, much of our utilities and infrastructure are foreign owned. We'll be asking the Chinese to build our Nuclear reactors next....


Who cares. We are part of a global economy now.


A significant amount of this very population is very heavilly invested in those private companies. Our jobs, our lifestyles, our income, our spending and our own pensions are all part of it.


Perhaps if the national industries 30 years ago had actually embraced change instead of continuing with their status quo of government interference, shoddy work, lazy employees and union stranglehold we might have been in a better position than we are now.


Family silver? The state most of those industries were in prior to being flogged off, they were more like a broken pee stained chamber pot.

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Any stats as to how many house are standing empty at present? Before concreting the countryside empty properties should be brought into use. If that means compulsory purchases then so be it.


There will always be houses that are empty for a short period, why should the Government get involved?

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Compo the Comrade will be dead and buried before any realistic prospect of enforced nationalisation of privately owned companies along with the billions of pounds neeeded to pay them off would even be drafted let alone signed into law.


We can find billions to subsidise the rail network annually.


We can shake the magic money tree and find £1billion to bribe the DUP


We’re gonna find £tens of billions to pay off the EU.


Therefore we can easily find enough billions to re-nationalise our utilities if we really wanted to.


As for any prospects of the population allowing government sponsored theft of privately owned property from those who legitimately and contractually paid for it. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


hmmm. . . Does the UK have a Proceeds of Crime act?


Shouldn’t be too hard to seize the London properties of Russian mobsters and African dictators.

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We can find billions to subsidise the rail network annually.


We can shake the magic money tree and find £1billion to bribe the DUP


We’re gonna find £tens of billions to pay off the EU.


Therefore we can easily find enough billions to re-nationalise our utilities if we really wanted to.




hmmm. . . Does the UK have a Proceeds of Crime act?


Shouldn’t be too hard to seize the London properties of Russian mobsters and African dictators.


You realise the money to pay the EU is coming out the money that we would have been paying anyway right? We aren't having to 'find' it - we know where it is..

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But it was OK when Thatcher took our Nationally held property and sold it off?


Did she not realise a lot of it was going to end up in foreign hands.


Talk about selling off the family silver. Now, much of our utilities and infrastructure are foreign owned. We'll be asking the Chinese to build our Nuclear reactors next....


It wasn't illegal, unlike the proposed theft of private property.

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