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68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse

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A disturbing report about the rise in homeless working people https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/02/manchester-stop-start-go-hostel-offers-working-homeless-roof-over-their-heads


What possilbe excuse can there be for not building more social housing to deal with this crisis?

there was a report out the other day saying theres 11000 houses out there that have been empty for 10 years or longer


thats 10 YEARS

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A disturbing report about the rise in homeless working people https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/02/manchester-stop-start-go-hostel-offers-working-homeless-roof-over-their-heads


What possilbe excuse can there be for not building more social housing to deal with this crisis?




Michael Burns, 68, who works part-time as a cleaner at Manchester town hall, is one of them. He was the first person to move into one of Stop Start Go’s three studio flats, having been evicted from his home in Gorton, south Manchester, in late November. He only works 15 hours a week, claims no benefits or pension, and could barely afford the £45 a week he was paying for a shared house in Gorton.


There's your problem. What benefits is he entitled to? Why isn't he claiming them?

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There's your problem. What benefits is he entitled to? Why isn't he claiming them?


See my post #208. He may not be eligible for any benefits.


---------- Post added 03-01-2018 at 12:58 ----------


there was a report out the other day saying theres 11000 houses out there that have been empty for 10 years or longer


thats 10 YEARS


They should be nationalised without compensation.

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there was a report out the other day saying theres 11000 houses out there that have been empty for 10 years or longer


thats 10 YEARS


I googled a few a few days ago, I believe there are 25 million homes in the UK. Would you like me to work out the percentage?


Despite widespread anxiety about a shortage of housing supply, there are 610,123 empty homes in England, according to the government. Of these, 205,821 have been unoccupied for six months or more, the official definition of "long-term" emptiness.2 Dec 2015


---------- Post added 03-01-2018 at 13:01 ----------


The Bezier building stands right in the middle of London's Old Street area, one of the most expensive and fashionable parts of the UK. Flats inside the apartment block can cost more than £1m and monthly rents of £2,000 are easily achievable.


But more than five years after its completion the Bezier, shaped like two sails full of wind - seemingly a metaphor for the area's forward-thinking economic confidence - is almost half-empty.

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They're having a clean-up in Windsor, getting rid of the homeless off the streets.

Can't have them spoiling the Royal Wedding photographs can we?


The thing about this local authority leader's whinge about people on the streets, is that prior to any big royal event, TV news interviews members of the public who say they've bedded down on the street for the night to get a glimpse of their favourite Royal....usually with tacky plastic Union Jack and flask. Is he going to have a go at them?

Probably not.

I believe earlier this year, Prince Harry went jogging with The Running Charity, and some of the people it aims to help: the homeless. I doubt whether he'd want the homeless persecuted.

Perhaps the CEO of Windsor Council or whatever it is, should get off his arse, earn his money and help get the homeless homes rather than trying to punish them.

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