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68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse

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Seems more of an indictment of the local police and ambulance service if I've read it correctly..


They attended, they used all the resource available which appears to be nowt.


Ambulance and cops have both referred themselves for review but if there wasn't anywhere for him to go and no crisis team, short of the mess in the station I don't think they could do more.

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They attended, they used all the resource available which appears to be nowt.


Ambulance and cops have both referred themselves for review but if there wasn't anywhere for him to go and no crisis team, short of the mess in the station I don't think they could do more.


"The ambulance service has confirmed the first call about Mr Barnard was made by Suffolk Police.


But because he was breathing and conscious with "no obvious injuries", the service decided he did not need an ambulance."


They only attended on the second call by the looks of it..

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"The ambulance service has confirmed the first call about Mr Barnard was made by Suffolk Police.


But because he was breathing and conscious with "no obvious injuries", the service decided he did not need an ambulance."


They only attended on the second call by the looks of it..


Ah right, I thought they meant they couldn't admit him to hospital because he didn't have injuries not that they didn't even attend!

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Ah right, I thought they meant they couldn't admit him to hospital because he didn't have injuries not that they didn't even attend!


Why would they attend the first time to someone who was not ill, not injured and not in need of an ambulance?

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The police called the ambulance so presumably they felt there was at least a cursory need?


And after questions the ambulance service thought otherwise. I dont see there is anything really to pin on them here - man decided to do something odd but not dangerous, police attened and then leave.


Man then sits without sufficient clothing for 16 hours in freezing weather. Really I cant see that this is the fault on first reading of the police or ambulance services.

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And after questions the ambulance service thought otherwise. I dont see there is anything really to pin on them here - man decided to do something odd but not dangerous, police attened and then leave.


Man then sits without sufficient clothing for 16 hours in freezing weather. Really I cant see that this is the fault on first reading of the police or ambulance services.


You are reading something into nothing.

I'm not critical at all of the first responders or their actions.


There wasn't anything else they could do, it shouldn't be emergency services dealing.


Ideally MH or alcohol services should have kicked in long before this fella was made homeless but we know there are few, if any available.

As an urgent fix a homeless service should have supported him that night.

Few, if any again.

It wasn't a 999 job and the services that could help have all gone.


ETA after both enquiries, the man hours and the initial cost of the attendance I bet we would get close to the cost of a month's priory stay.

Edited by Stranza
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"The ambulance service has confirmed the first call about Mr Barnard was made by Suffolk Police.


But because he was breathing and conscious with "no obvious injuries", the service decided he did not need an ambulance."


They only attended on the second call by the looks of it..


I thought the NHS also have a remit to keep people healthy, i.e. alive?

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The figures certainly are alarming and require serious attention don't you think?


A walk round Sheffield city centre also demonstrates how much homelessness is increasing. Nobody in power seems to be doing anything much about it, except moving them on or denying their existance. Very worrying.


Rough sleeping up, gun and knife crime up, hospital waiting times up. Is there anything this government isn't completely crap at?

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