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68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse

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And here's why Amazon are paying less tax this time around. I'm not saying they aren't using every loophole known to man, but this one seems legit.


Why Amazon's UK tax bill has dropped 50%



You cant blame anyone using tax loopholes. If the government invents these loopholes ,thats their fault when people use them.

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I was answering a question by chalga.


To answer your question, what has Amazon and their questionable tax got to do with this tread which I believed to be about 68,000 homeless in Britain, but perhaps I am mistaken :huh:


Might I respectfully refer you to the OP?

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So what should we do for these homeless?


Stop deliberately hounding poor and vulnerable people until they fall into homelessness in the first place.


Some of the increase in homelessness is as a direct result of government policies; such as sanctions which leave people destitute for weeks/months on end causing them to lose their homes, bedroom tax which leaves them short on the rent, 0 hour contracts etc which means they can't budget properly and so get into debt, lack of investment in infrastructure, training etc which would provide decent jobs, deliberate bureaucratic incompetence used as a political weapon to deny/delay help to people who need it most.


This isn't happening by chance, it's government policy and it's wrong.


Let them put the effort into closing down tax loopholes for the corporations and super rich and collecting what's owed. Instead they're reducing the workforce that deals with tax collection at the top end.

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I'll ask again.


Why are all the homeless in Sheffield......white men? And a few white women


Are they the main drug users in Sheffield. Its an interesting thought.


It's unlikely that you're correct, I'll take a closer look as a walk past the archer project later.




Severe homelessness among minority ethnic communities has risen much faster than in the general population in the last three years, an analysis by Labour has found.


In figures described as a national disgrace by the shadow housing minister, John Healey, those suffering from the worst category – unintentionally homeless and in priority need – are disproportionately from black and Asian communities.


Perhaps it's more that the aggressive begging you see in the city centre is from white males? Or perhaps not even that.


A year after that first report and only 8 months ago




Ethnic minorities now account for up to 40 per cent of all homeless households in England, despite being just 15 per cent of the population
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The majority of noticeable on street beggars in Sheffield are white men. That probably feeds opinion. many counted as homeless are not rough sleepers. The increase in BME homelessness is partly down to people from the EU who have no jobs or right to benefits, failed asylum seekers who have remained here and other immigrants who have entered illegally or outstayed their visas.


Complex situation all round.

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And might I respectfully refer you to the title of this thread, namely "68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse", and point out that I have only been commenting about the 68,000 homeless in Britain.


Perhaps you would comment on tax abuse, since it's an integral component of the argument?

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