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68,000 homeless in Britain, and it's going to get worse

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However it is also a chicken and egg situation. If something like relationship breakdown and financial difficulties result in someone ending up on the streets, then even if they didn't have mental health problems before being made homeless, they are at v. high risk of developing them as a consequence of being homeless.

Even though it is known that ex - service personnel are at high risk of homelessness, it's shocking that support for this group is very patchy.

I think support needs to be holistic so that there is professional support available (be it mental health, drug / alcohol rehab). Sadly these services have taken a huge hit since the credit crunch.


I'm not going to disagree, hopefully they are going to get more mental health nurses in (how, God only knows - and that's if they do it and don't back out). As bad as things are now, it's still only half the number it was in 2004 https://fullfact.org/economy/homelessness-uk/ if the numbers are to be believed. It was pretty shocking that it took DIY SOS and two princes to get support for disabled servicemen in one city.

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I'm not going to disagree, hopefully they are going to get more mental health nurses in (how, God only knows - and that's if they do it and don't back out). As bad as things are now, it's still only half the number it was in 2004 https://fullfact.org/economy/homelessness-uk/ if the numbers are to be believed. It was pretty shocking that it took DIY SOS and two princes to get support for disabled servicemen in one city.


Yes I heard Jeremy Hunt saying they are going invest in m.h. nurses, however since 2010 there are 6.5 thousand fewer mental health nurses...



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If it had been the will of government homelessness would have been solved before either of us were born - dodgy taxes or not (and labours history on corporate tax avoidance isn't stellar either - for balance) - if that's even possible. A fair chunk of homeless people have pretty severe mental illness, drug abuse issues etc etc - unless you are going to lock them all up, they will end on the street at some point.


I wasn't praising Labour, but they generally at least don't spend their time demonising and attacking the poor in society in order to make life easier for the corporations. They're financially inept, and just as authoritarian as the conservatives, I disagree with a lot of what they did and would like to do, but attacking the poor and disabled relentlessly whilst waging a campaign of disinformation, that's a conservative trait.

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  • 3 months later...
According to tonight's news there are now 68,000 homeless in Britain, a huge increase on previous figures.


...What is wrong with this country...?


As the weather gets colder, no news about our countries growing problem.


Just Googling the numbers


Manchester, rough sleepers - 2013 > 70

2016 > 189




I understand that councils count rough sleepers, but how hard is that, I am sure that they try to get somewhere undercover and out of sight.

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I am not scapegoating migrants. I am using common sense and simple maths.


If there is a housing crisis and we need to build over 300,000 homes over the next 10 years to keep up with demand. Why would we allow 500,000 people into the country each year?


And, we dont have enough schools, hospital beds, public resources, police, prisons, energy resources, waste management....our country is crumbling under the pressure to keep up with our population explosion.


What is this constant aim to increase the population of this country? We are a tiny island with over 3 times the population of Australia.


Do the maths.....they dont add up.


And im sick of people talking about migrants doing the jobs other dont want to do. If you stop letting in people by the millions then we only require so many jobs.


Again.....SIMPLE MATHS :roll:


Because a lot of migrants are skilled and are able to pay their own way. Why should the failures of society be given housing on a plate.


I find it funny how people assume housing as an entitlement. If you don’t work enough to put a roof over your own head then stay at home. Go complain elsewhere, I would rather my tax money be spent on other things than give people what I earned. Life is unfair, deal with it.


If you had any idea how the demographics of this country’s population works, then you’ll know that it isn’t the population as a whole that’s the problem we are facing. It’s the fact we have an accelerating aging population. We need the population to grow to increase the younger demographic.

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Because a lot of migrants are skilled and are able to pay their own way. Why should the failures of society be given housing on a plate.


I find it funny how people assume housing as an entitlement. If you don’t work enough to put a roof over your own head then stay at home. Go complain elsewhere, I would rather my tax money be spent on other things than give people what I earned. Life is unfair, deal with it.


If you had any idea how the demographics of this country’s population works, then you’ll know that it isn’t the population as a whole that’s the problem we are facing. It’s the fact we have an accelerating aging population. We need the population to grow to increase the younger demographic.


Absolutely spot on.

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