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Sheffield council initiative – flagellation in Sheffield

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I’ve been trying to make myself clever so I was watching a documentary about the olden days. They used to do a thing called FLAGELLATION to people that did crimes like teefing & TWOC etc. Basically they’d take the criminals to town and whack them with whips. There was even a bunch of dudes called THE FLAGELLANTS (which to me sounds a bit like a jangly guitar band) but actually these guys was Catholics who really believed in whipping themselves. Imagine seeing them doing it – you’d be like “You do it to yourself? You do! And that’s what really hurts!”. Going to read a book about them anyway to see what all the fuss was about.

So what I’m wondering is whether Sheffield council could make it a thing in this day and age to stop the petty crimes like shoplifting and throwing chuddy on the street? Only yesterday I saw one of these arrogant teenagers you get nowadays smoking one of those ‘roll ups’ and just cobbing it into a hedge when she was done. I reckon a spot of FLAGELLATION might stop her doing that in future.

How do I get the council to listen?

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