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Cameras To Be Installed In All Slaughterhouses

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Is that true? It was my understanding that the government investigation into slaughterhouse abuse was prompted by secret footage shot at a non-stun slaughterhouse operated by the Malik Food Group (with sheep having to have their throat cut up to seven times before eventually dying..)


To be clear - abuse occurs in slaughterhouses across the board, both halal and non halal (indeed an investigation by AnimalAid found 93% the slaughterhouses they filmed broke animal welfare laws), but it sounds like you're suggesting that abuse doesn't (or can't) occur in halal slaughterhouses, which is demonstrably untrue.


Any animal that has been mistreated before slaughter cannot be deemed halal.

Halal slaughter isn't about the way an animal is killed it's about the conditions the animal is kept in before slaughter as well.

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absolutely!!!! all animals should be pre stunned before killing non of this mumbo jumbo throat slitting to bleed out its disgusting:roll:


They are not banning it, they are filming it. Why they want to record it, I am not sure.

Is Gove into S+M?

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Any animal that has been mistreated before slaughter cannot be deemed halal.

Halal slaughter isn't about the way an animal is killed it's about the conditions the animal is kept in before slaughter as well.


Whilst it's commendable that the original text setting out the principles of halal slaughter prohibited the mistreatment of the animals, in practical terms that's unfortunately meaningless.


I couldn't go and buy some halal meat and be sure that the animal was killed humanely and not mistreated beforehand just because the religious text says it mustn't be.


Whilst from a religious point of view maybe that meat wouldn't technically be halal, it would still be labelled as halal in the shops. Malik Food Group is one of the largest produces of 'halal' meat in the UK, and it was in their slaughterhouses that horrific animal abuse was filmed. That meat entered the shops or takeaways etc and was all labelled halal - the fact that the animals were horrifically abused beforehand didn't prevent that.

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This is probably why ............


Undercover investigations by organisations such as Hillside Animal Sanctuary show animals being beaten, stabbed, burned, electrocuted and terrorised during the slaughter process. In footage it isn't enough that the animals are in pain, they are also humiliated while they are tortured by laughing staff.


The content of these films supports testimony by slaughterhouse workers provided in confidential contacts with Scotland for Animals. This is not an anomaly, it's the everyday reality of slaughter in the UK.


Putting it bluntly, UK abattoirs are a free-for-all of brutality and violence.





---------- Post added 12-08-2017 at 19:12 ----------


Read the campaigns section

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You do come out with some crap sometimes don't you? :rolleyes:

It's got nothing to do with halal slaughter and mistreated animals can't be killed in the halal way.

Ho and educate yourself properly with regards to what halal means before spouting ill informed right wing bull excrement. :rant:


---------- Post added 12-08-2017 at 16:36 ----------



It's the videos of the non Muslims kicking the animals in slaughterhouses that made em decide to put cameras on you oink! :rant:


So you think the cameras will not actually film the act of slaughter, think again.


I have friends, 3 to be exact who work in the trade. I could post video on here that would make you look like a bit of a twerp for trying to normalise the act. But I will not as it's a "family" site and I would surely be banned if I did. But be assured the time of Halal and Shechita are hopefully coming to an end. Both are abhorrent ways to kill an animal and must be stopped.


As you may be aware if you read my posts, I have contacted my MP who in turn contacted DEFRA about the heinous acts. I am assured that the "act" of slaughter without the animal been stunned is indeed under review. I look forward to the result been positive.



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It's the videos of the non Muslims kicking the animals in slaughterhouses that made em decide to put cameras on you oink! :rant:


Don't call me names. I'm interested in this stuff cos I'm trying to get more cleverer in life. It was defo a Halal place what caused this situation - some guys called MALIK FOOD GROUP it says. You can help me learn more if you tell me where I can find out more about this sort of meat. Does it say it in the Islamist Bible for example? If so what page should I look on? I did a Google but it just said stuff about slitting the sheeps throats with a sharp knife and letting them bleed to death while a man says prayers and that doesn't sound too good!

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So this one Malik food group represents the whole of the Halal meat trade? :rolleyes:


No it doesn't. That's not what anyone is saying though. The whole issue of CCTV in slaughter zones came about because of the guys in the halal place kicking the sheeps heads in etc and all the brutal stuff that was happening. I been looking more into this and appaz it's the law of this country that animals should be stunned before they are killed but there is a thing called a 'religious exemption' which means that Muslim slaughterers can just ignore the law. That seems weird to me.

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