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Cameras To Be Installed In All Slaughterhouses

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Don't call me names. I'm interested in this stuff cos I'm trying to get more cleverer in life. It was defo a Halal place what caused this situation - some guys called MALIK FOOD GROUP it says. You can help me learn more if you tell me where I can find out more about this sort of meat. Does it say it in the Islamist Bible for example? If so what page should I look on? I did a Google but it just said stuff about slitting the sheeps throats with a sharp knife and letting them bleed to death while a man says prayers and that doesn't sound too good!



Malik was simply just the most recent. 13 abattoirs were investigated and 12 were found to be breaching welfare laws...



Edited by nikki-red
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This slaughter house went into administration not long after it was exposed. It also explains how animals should be slaughtered according to Halal Law, which is more humane than I realised, but I still think animals should be stunned first. Hopefully it will be in the hands of the government and vets to decide if theses animals do suffer when they are killed in Halal Slaughter Houses. Also let's hope these vets can make recommendations for improvements if needed in all abattoirs.

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First stop killing people. That's a much more pernicious offence.


Many would say that it's the fact that humanity as a whole is happy to treat animals as objects- keeping them in horrific conditions, cutting off their bodyparts as desired, then killing them to eat, actually facilitates the killing of humans.


If humanity wasn't running a (mainly underground) industry that tortures and kills billions of animals a year, it might start to lack the mindset that leads to so many human deaths from war, oppression and starvation.


('underground' because very few humans really know how animals are treated by the industry- for example, that most male pigs, as piglets, have their scrotum cut with a blade and their testicles pulled out by hand, with no anesthetic).

Edited by onewheeldave
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It's sad that you equate humans and animals. George Orwell was right, in 'Animal Farm' as to the unwisdom of that view.


I don't 'equate' humans and animals. The point I'm making (that you're evading with your strawman) is that if humanity didn't routinely imprison, abuse, torture and kill other species, it's pretty unlikely it would do so with it's own.

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Ho and educate yourself properly with regards to what halal means before spouting ill informed right wing bull excrement. :rant


I educated myself last night. You seem to think that there's nothing cruel about Halal slaughter. When slaughtered for religious reasons animals don't have to be stunned first. These exemptions should be stopped. Hopefully you will agree.


Please read the RSPCA document.



I think the cameras are a good thing, definitely a step forward. Being cruel to an animal is wrong, no matter who does it and for whatever reason.


---------- Post added 16-08-2017 at 02:22 ----------




This slaughter house went into administration not long after it was exposed. It also explains how animals should be slaughtered according to Halal Law, which is more humane than I realised, but I still think animals should be stunned first. Hopefully it will be in the hands of the government and vets to decide if theses animals do suffer when they are killed in Halal Slaughter Houses. Also let's hope these vets can make recommendations for improvements if needed in all abattoirs.


It can take up to 2 minutes for a calf to lose consciousness. :sad:


Government‟s independent advisory body, the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC)

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