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Has Climate Change Denial Become Its Own Religion?

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Climate change denial seems to be fronted by people like Nigel Lawson and Donald Trump. They have vested interests and are out of touch with the science.

Is climate change like Brexit, its mostly the older end that are set in their ways, that cannot accept the science?


Religion Plays A Bigger Role In Evolution Skepticism Than Climate Change Denial, Study Finds.



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  • 4 weeks later...
It's just one of a suite of rallying calls for the far right.


One of the dog whistles


Watch this thread as a string of right wing posters queue up to defend denial. Most of them won't even know what they are saying.


Shut up you Regressive Leftits, go away and everything will be ok.

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Why bring Left/right wing into the debate ?


Its often right wingers, and the rich that are the biggest consumers, with the biggest carbon footprint. So their thinking is biased because they will lose out if their lifestyle has to change.

Right wingers are more likely to deny climate change.

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