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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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No I do not believe in all this stupidity , I think the world has lost the plot big style . All this ridiculous stuff being said about men growing a cervix !!!!!!!!! , Men can have periods , All this Gender rubbish , drives me nuts . Identifying as -  oooo whatever !!!!!! .  Get a grip . There is no wonder there is so much mental health problems going on , especially in the young . Little children as young as 5 being taught about everything to do with sex , for goodness sake , let them be children & do what children are supposed to do at that age . It's not on . 

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On 14/08/2017 at 21:13, Tomm06 said:

After a while I watched Bowling for Columbine again the other day as I saw it on Netflix Micheal Moore seems to suggest that the news in America focuses only on the bad news to keep the citizens in a state of fear as ''a scared population is easy to control''


Now I don't really buy in to it all but I do find it quite interesting.


I do however think a lot of news is exaggerated and with so many different news publications available now you do have to choose who you're going to believe or at least take more notice of.


I have been noticing trends regarding what I consider to be the big 3 of the year. ISIS, NK, terrorist attacks (could also claim this falls under ISIS) However the point I'm making is when one dies down and stops becoming profitable one of the others then pops back up as a new threat to the world and our way of life.


I'm aware it's all a bit tinfoil hat but I am interested to see if anyone takes the popular news sites/papers etc as constant truth or who completely dis-regards it. I don't think there's a conspiracy to keep us all scared for our lives so we will follow any order. Though a few good news stories wouldn't go a miss once in a while.

I do think there is a lot of scaremongering around . Covid ,when it first started being a problem , it happened then . I agree by scaremongering , it's easy to control people & get them to do what the people in power say . But , eventually , people see the light & backlash & tell these power mad folk to " sod off " . I don't agree with what is happening now , with all these people coming out of the woodwork , mainly thanks to Social Media , stirring things up , but I can see why people are demostrating now . 

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59 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

I do think there is a lot of scaremongering around . Covid ,when it first started being a problem , it happened then . I agree by scaremongering , it's easy to control people & get them to do what the people in power say . But , eventually , people see the light & backlash & tell these power mad folk to " sod off " . I don't agree with what is happening now , with all these people coming out of the woodwork , mainly thanks to Social Media , stirring things up , but I can see why people are demostrating now . 

Remember Clackers, Stilts, Hula Hoops, Rubix cubes, Skateboards, Mobo scooters, etc.

Every year since I was a kid a new Fad.

This years new "Fun Fad" is demonstrating and causing as much trouble as possible.

Don't worry It'll pass...

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29 minutes ago, Padders said:

Remember Clackers, Stilts, Hula Hoops, Rubix cubes, Skateboards, Mobo scooters, etc.

Every year since I was a kid a new Fad.

This years new "Fun Fad" is demonstrating and causing as much trouble as possible.

Don't worry It'll pass...

Oxford bags platform shoes Ben sherman shirts xxxand god forgive ......jesus sandals aka desert dockers .

Edited by gaz 786
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35 minutes ago, Padders said:

Remember Clackers, Stilts, Hula Hoops, Rubix cubes, Skateboards, Mobo scooters, etc.

Every year since I was a kid a new Fad.

This years new "Fun Fad" is demonstrating and causing as much trouble as possible.

Don't worry It'll pass...

Loved Clackers , my dad ,unbeknown to me put mine in the bin , Stilts , I never tried , might have got vertigo , because I am vertically challenged , Liked Hula Hoops , Could never master Rubix cubes , I left the skateboard to my brother , who raced all the way down Granville on his , Have no idea what Mobo scooters are , did have a scooter though . I do hope you are right though & this lot start using their noggin properly 

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11 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

Loved Clackers , my dad ,unbeknown to me put mine in the bin , Stilts , I never tried , might have got vertigo , because I am vertically challenged , Liked Hula Hoops , Could never master Rubix cubes , I left the skateboard to my brother , who raced all the way down Granville on his , Have no idea what Mobo scooters are , did have a scooter though . I do hope you are right though & this lot start using their noggin properly 


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33 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

That's a fine piece of kit 

From what I remember, that was my first ever bike as a kid in Liverpool.
Sadly I've no idea whatever happened to it, though I suspect my parents gave it away to a good cause.

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