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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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Doesn't it?


It looks like a rough cartoon representation of a dollar bill to me. The dollar bill has a border, which the lines at the top and bottom could easily represent.


The dollar bill has ovals in the corners, with the denomination inside, which the circles obviously represent.


The dollar bill also has an oval in the middle, with a portrait of Washington in it - again, represented in this cartoon. Considering it is something that would have been on screen for probably less than a second, I really don't think they gave much thought to how accurate a representation it was, but I think they actually did pretty well considering.


Well, as stated, since there is an Eye of Providence on a real dollar bill I'm not sure why a "Masonic" symbol on a cartoon dollar would get anyone's panties in a twist.


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 19:42 ----------


Indeed it does. But the design on the money bart is holding could pass as a basic image of imagery on a masonic tracer board.


So instead of drawing the "Masonic" symbol that does feature on real bills they drew something that morons might think is a Masonic symbol instead? Very clever that. Why though Alan?


I saw a cloud today that looked like a rubber duck. What does that mean????


Is it usual policy to inform cartoonists in advance of Black Ops so that they can leave clues in children's TV shows? Why?


I don't think anyone can be quite as gullible as you so I will assume you are trolling. If you aren't you need to have a good long look in the mirror and give yourself a slap.

Edited by Jacko92
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Well, as stated, since there is an Eye of Providence on a real dollar bill I'm not sure why a "Masonic" symbol on a cartoon dollar would get anyone's panties in a twist.


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 19:42 ----------



I saw a cloud today that looked like a rubber duck. What does that mean????


Is it usual policy to inform cartoonists in advance of Black Ops so that they can leave clues in children's TV shows?


I don't think anyone can be quite as gullible as you so I will assume you are trolling. If you aren't you need to have a good long look in the mirror and give yourself a slap.


Masonic/illuminati, whatever you want to call it, symbolism, can be found all over the place and in some unexpected places and things. Why, I don't know, but if you were wanting to mischievously put things out there, then why not an episode of the Simpsons? it was a cultural phenomenon in the nineties, so a lot of eyes on it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the producers of Fox Broadcasting Company and even Mat Groening were Freemasons.

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Masonic/illuminati, whatever you want to call it, symbolism, can be found all over the place and in some unexpected places and things. Why, I don't know, but if you were wanting to mischievously put things out there, then why not an episode of the Simpsons? it was a cultural phenomenon in the nineties, so a lot of eyes on it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the producers of Fox Broadcasting Company and even Mat Groening were Freemasons.


And as Masons the producers at Fox were privy to the 9/11 conspiracy and decided for kicks and giggles to leave clues in The Simpsons? Why Alan? Isn't it a bit risky? What if a genius like you spots them?


You know the Illuminati were formed to oppose superstition, religious influence and abuse of state power right? Not sure why they'd want to be involved in the murder of 3000 people then get a Born Again Christian President to start a war as a result. Sounds beyond stupid to me. Ironically, based on your nonsense, they were also founded to oppose obscuritanism so being involved in a cover-up would be peculiar for them wouldn't it Alan? I'm guessing here but I don't think you knew that....I mean, why would you bother to do any further reading for yourself when you can just parrot the paranoid delusions of delinquent cretins here? Takes less effort don't it Alan?


You are venturing out of your comfort zone again. Find something more worthwhile to do with your finite time on Earth!

Edited by Jacko92
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And as Masons the producers at Fox were privy to the 9/11 conspiracy and decided for kicks and giggles to leave clues in The Simpsons? Why Alan? Isn't it a bit risky? What if a genius like you spots them?


You know the Illuminati were formed to oppose superstition, religious influence and abuse of state power right? Not sure why they'd want to be involved in the murder of 3000 people then get a Born Again Christian President to start a war as a result. Sounds beyond stupid to me. Ironically, based on this nonsense they were also founded to oppose obscuritanism so being involved in a cover-up would be peculiar for them wouldn't it Alan?


You are venturing out of your comfort zone again Alan.


Are you going to come back on here at 2 in the morning again to tell me you got all the above wrong? :hihi:

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he wont have spotted it, somebody off one of his myriad of favorite conspiracy sites will have told him


If you're to give any credence at all to these 911 "clues" you first must believe that 911 was a "inside job", which is something I am not closed minded to if I'm honest.

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Are you going to come back on here at 2 in the morning to tell me you got all the above wrong? :hihi:


I admitted I made a mistake about the quality of telemetry tapes. That's all. I wasn't wrong about their purpose was I? All you knew is some tapes were missing.


You'll look better if you tell me where I am wrong. But since you are just a gullible parrot you won't. All we can expect from you is another misleading titbit from a website that sees gullible fools coming.


Have you figured out yet why NASA hires pilots Alan? Have you realised that when you look at something through a smaller aperture it won't look further away?

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If you're to give any credence at all to these 911 "clues" you first must believe that 911 was a "inside job", which is something I am not closed minded to if I'm honest.


You aren't alone. But going on evidence in this thread I doubt you have used much critical thinking to reach that decision. Look at the word below through a your open door then again through the keyhole. Does it look further away through the keyhole? Lol.



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