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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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The people who jumped from the 80th floor took around 10 seconds to hit the ground.


The North and South Tower took 11 seconds to disintegrate.


I say disintegrate as opposed to collapse as that's what they appeared to do - like they were exploded from the inside out.


The upper section of 30 floors cannot possibly break through the lower section consisting of 80 structurally sound floors at very close to the speed of free fall.


Ever single floor is massively over engineered.


Each of the lower floors was taken out prior to being contacted from the floor above.


This explains the near free fall speed of collapse.


A computer sequenced controlled demolition from the top down.


Aren't you the guy that actually believes the world is flat?


Why would anyone take you seriously when you discuss structural engineering?

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Oh purlease! Spooky? What exactly do you mean by that?

Do you believe in horoscopes and other nonsense like that too?


James Dean died in a car CRASH. It was a Porsche. Porsche make a 911!


Halibut open your eyes: the clues are there to see!!


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 22:12 ----------


Why don't you ask someone in that type of field? I can recommend Tom Sullivan.



When you say recommend is that through peer review? Do you actually understand what he is talking about and endorse his views or do you recommend him because he tells you what you want to hear?


Do you find it more comforting to believe the US government is willing to kill its own citizens rather than accept that Al Qaida don't much like us? Why?

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Why don't you ask someone in that type of field? I can recommend Tom Sullivan.



Tom Sullivan isn't a structural engineer though.

He's an explosives loader - '' Explosives loaders help the blaster in tunnel and shaft work. The explosives loader helps load the tunnel face to prepare for the blast.''


Not really an expert so much as a labourer really.


You really need to be more discriminating about what you believe and think more carefully about who's saying it and why.

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This Tom Sullivan guy clearly knows what he's talking about. And his moustache just COMMANDS respect.


And now you're just descending into being facetious and silly, so I'll leave you to it.


There's nothing clever or funny about being wilfully ignorant.

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youll be mentioning tommy robinson next :roll:


Tommy Robinson? bit random!


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 22:33 ----------


And now you're just descending into being facetious and silly, so I'll leave you to it.


There's nothing clever or funny about being wilfully ignorant.


You're being ignorant dismissing out of hand someone who knows his stuff about controlled demolitions.

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Tommy Robinson? bit random!


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 22:33 ----------



You're being ignorant dismissing out of hand someone who knows his stuff about controlled demolitions.


Alan, why don't you show you aren't ignorant when it comes to conspiracy?


Why don't you tell us all how NASA discovered the Apollo 11 telemetry tapes were missing? Who was looking for them and why? Was it a moon landing denier?


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 22:44 ----------


The whole MSN is corrupt if you ask me. The BBC covered up for Saville. Yes It is. Maybe


I don't think anyone did ask you....

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