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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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Alan, why don't you show you aren't ignorant when it comes to conspiracy?


Why don't you tell us all how NASA discovered the Apollo 11 telemetry tapes were missing? Who was looking for them and why? Was it a moon landing denier?


Perhaps some shadowy element of NASA, in the know, quietly erased/lost the tapes at some point. And then at some later point, the staff that work in the archives where they are stored discovered them lost and can't explain it. Or maybe they're not allowed to talk?


This may sound far fetched to you, but is it more far fetched than erasing over the Apollo 11 moon landing tapes? People have been known to record over their wedding video's by accident, but the moon landings??

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A computer sequenced controlled demolition from the top down.


To get maximum effect it would have to be the opposite as that is what happens in controlled demolitions, and that is from bottom up. That way the weight of the top section helps the bottom section to collapse quickly.

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Perhaps some shadowy element of NASA, in the know, quietly erased/lost the tapes at some point. And then at some later point, the staff that work in the archives where they are stored discovered them lost and can't explain it. Or maybe they're not allowed to talk?


This may sound far fetched to you, but is it more far fetched than erasing over the Apollo 11 moon landing tapes? People have been known to record over their wedding video's by accident, but the moon landings??


To confirm; you don't know the answer to my questions? That's your guess?


Maybe find out the answers before you just posit this rubbish?


---------- Post added 06-09-2017 at 23:01 ----------


To get maximum effect it would have to be the opposite as that is what happens in controlled demolitions, and that is from bottom up. That way the weight of the top section helps the bottom section to collapse quickly.


The guy that thinks the earth is flat doesn't understand structural engineering. Apelike; save your breath.

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Tom Sullivan isn't a structural engineer though.

He's an explosives loader - '' Explosives loaders help the blaster in tunnel and shaft work. The explosives loader helps load the tunnel face to prepare for the blast.''


Not really an expert so much as a labourer really.


You really need to be more discriminating about what you believe and think more carefully about who's saying it and why.


I have to return to this post of yours. I don't know how you can be so dismissive having watched that video (if you did watch it all).


Have a watch for 30 or so seconds from this particular segment of the clip.

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No wreckage of a large airliner at the pentagon or Shankesville......



Three giant superstructures collapsing at near free fall speed.


Lateral ejections visible on each of the three skyscrapers below the collapse.



2500 architects and engineers signing a petition calling for a new investigation,the majority of them openly saying it was a controlled demolition.


And then the cover up by the media.



You'd have to be the worlds wildest theorist to suggest it was anything but a inside job.

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not one for conspiracy theories but ive got to say im intrigued in how the tower fell perfectly (as in a controlled demolition) . My heart says no conspiracy , but ......


How should it have collapsed? Should it have fallen over? Where would the momentum come from for it to do that? And why would "they" demolish it? Was flying two planes into the World Trade Center too low-key? The Pentagon didn't collapse.


Why is it easier for people to believe that the US government would kill thousands of its own citizens and do a trillion dollars worth of damage than accept Al Qaida don't much like us?


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 21:10 ----------


No wreckage of a large airliner at the pentagon or Shankesville......



Three giant superstructures collapsing at near free fall speed.


Lateral ejections visible on each of the three skyscrapers below the collapse.



2500 architects and engineers signing a petition calling for a new investigation,the majority of them openly saying it was a controlled demolition.


And then the cover up by the media.


You'd have to be the worlds wildest theorist to suggest it was anything but a inside job.


Someone who thinks the world is flat has no credibility when discussing the physics of falling buildings.


Can you prove all those "architects and engineers" that signed the silly petition actually have a clue what they are talking about? How many of them also think the world is flat? Are their names and credentials given?


Are you a member of the movement? How much do you pay a month for the truth? $2.50 or $250 or somewhere in between?

Edited by Jacko92
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How should it have collapsed? Should it have fallen over? Where would the momentum come from for it to do that? And why would "they" demolish it? Was flying two planes into the Trade Centre too low-key? The Pentagon didn't collapse.


Why is it easier for people to believe that the US government would kill thousands of its own citizens and do a trillion dollars worth of damage than accept Al Qaida don't much like us?


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 21:10 ----------



Someone who thinks the world is flat has no credibility when discussing the physics of falling buildings.


please don't jump on me . as I said I usually don't buy into these things . you ask "how should it collapse ?" I would say why did it collapse , after the initial impacts . I don't believe the government would kill thousands of its citizens , its just the tower collapsing in the manner it did that intrigues me

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