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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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Official cover up. Look at footage of building 7 coming down. Controlled demolition all day long.


Have you read the official report Alan? See, what a normal person does if they have questions is read the official story and pick holes in it and go from there; you just parrot what you have read God knows where. Do you ask yourself what's in it for them? Book sales for example......?

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Anyone with a hint of commonsense can see building 7 was a classic controlled implosion.


To suggest fire and the debris from the Twin Towers can collapse a 650 foot superstructures in such a manner is utterly preposterous.


650 foot and it collapsed in around 7 seconds - close to free fall speed.


Nuff said.

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Official cover up. Look at footage of building 7 coming down. Controlled demolition all day long.


And your qualifications to say that are......? Why did they demolish it? Were two plane strikes too tame? Why do you find it easier to believe the government did it than accept Al Qaida don't like us? Come on, explain yourself!


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 21:52 ----------


Anyone with a hint of commonsense can see building 7 was a classic controlled implosion.


To suggest fire and the debris from the Twin Towers can collapse a 650 foot superstructures in such a manner is utterly preposterous.


650 foot and it collapsed in around 7 seconds - close to free fall speed.


Nuff said.


You think the world is flat. That is even more preposterous. Your qualifications to comment on structural engineering are what exactly?

Edited by Jacko92
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You do not need to be a expert to see that a building cannot fall through 80 structurally sound floors as fast as it can fall through the air.


You sound like a dis-info agent jacko92.


You don't need to be an expert to understand it didn't fall through 80 floors at once.


You think the world is flat and that I am a dis-info agent. How do you think you sound? ;)

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Have you read the official report Alan? See, what a normal person does if they have questions is read the official story and pick holes in it and go from there; you just parrot what you have read God knows where. Do you ask yourself what's in it for them? Book sales for example......?


Oh the irony! you read an official report which gives you a reassuring warm feeling in your tummy and you call me a parrot. :roll:


Neither you or I have done our own research into 911 but plenty of people have, some are credible some are not. There are some "truthers" out there though that I am inclined to take seriously, like Cristopher Bollyn for instance.


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 22:06 ----------



You think the world is flat ;)


You're getting very tedious with that btw. You're like a pathetic school bully.

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Oh the irony! you read an official report which gives you a reassuring warm feeling in your tummy and you call me a parrot. :roll:


Neither you or I have done our own research into 911 but plenty of people have, some are credible some are not. There are some "truthers" out there though that I am inclined to take seriously, like Cristopher Bollyn for instance.


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 22:06 ----------



You're getting very tedious with that btw. You're like a pathetic school bully.


Where did I say I'd read the full 9/11 report? I haven't. I'm not the one saying it's an inside job. If you want to think it is that's fine. But read the official story first otherwise when you parrot things you don't understand you will look stupid. Just some friendly advice.


I think it's important for people to know that someone who thinks the world is flat is probably not the best person to rely on for structural engineering commentary.


Bollyn? This guy? Seriously? Hahahaha.





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Oh the irony! you read an official report which gives you a reassuring warm feeling in your tummy and you call me a parrot. :roll:


Neither you or I have done our own research into 911 but plenty of people have, some are credible some are not. There are some "truthers" out there though that I am inclined to take seriously, like Cristopher Bollyn for instance.


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 22:06 ----------



You're getting very tedious with that btw. You're like a pathetic school bully.


To dimiss a report as being 'official cover up' without even reading it is absurd.


Read it and provide counter arguments to parts you don't find convincing. That's how debate works. Closing your ears and shutting your eyes to anything conflicting with your own viewpoint is not how to conduct rational and adult debate.

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Ok. Why did they demolish it? Was flying two planes into towers 1 and 2 not sufficient to make a statement?


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 21:42 ----------



Unless you too think the world is flat I'm not sure why you think I'm attacking you.


---------- Post added 08-09-2017 at 21:43 ----------



Hahaha but we all know your powers of perception are lacking.


no I don't think the world is flat , like I said ,im intrigued . Do you think Fred Dibnah may have had a hand in this ?

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To dimiss a report as being 'official cover up' without even reading it is absurd.


Read it and provide counter arguments to parts you don't find convincing. That's how debate works. Closing your ears and shutting your eyes to anything conflicting with your own viewpoint is not how to conduct rational and adult debate.


Over the years I have glanced at summaries of some of the aspects of the official report. I'm not qualified to test the veracity of its findings, but there are people that are and many of them don't accept it and provide contrary views and opinions. Some of these people I am inclined to take very seriously.

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