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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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Official reports initially exonerated the Police for the Hillsborough disaster. Now we know different. You mustn't have absolute faith in official reports.


Of course you mustn't have absolute faith.


That is why I have asked you to highlight the parts of the report that you think are wrong, and provide counter evidence to indicate why they are wrong. Then we can debate them.


We can't have a debate if you just dismiss it out right purely because it is official, and because not all official reports are 100% accurate, they must all be 0% accurate. That is illogical.

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Of course you mustn't have absolute faith.


That is why I have asked you to highlight the parts of the report that you think are wrong, and provide counter evidence to indicate why they are wrong. Then we can debate them.


We can't have a debate if you just dismiss it out right purely because it is official, and because not all official reports are 100% accurate, they must all be 0% accurate. That is illogical.


I made a point on another thread that if I said Titanic was sunk by torpedo and was laughed at, my saying, "oh, but Hillsborough turned out to be a conspiracy" is a massive logical fallacy. The world doesn't work like that.


Not least because the Taylor Report was pretty robust anyway. The HIP and the recent inquest only exposed the full extent of the attempted cover-up.

Edited by Jacko92
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The Taylor Report was pretty clear about who was at fault. Did you not read it?


I beg your pardon. My point is that victims families have had to fight for the truth because the powers that be had covered up the truth for so long.

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Indeed. Rule 14 of the Sheffield Forum Rules.


"14. You must only post contributions to the Website which are factually accurate or which are your genuinely held opinions based on true facts."


wow , quoting forum rules now . That's like the boy with a football who must take all the penalties or hes taking his football home


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:31 ----------


None. But you have a duty to report the official evidence you question accurately and you don't.


Not to Anna B's extent though I give you that.


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:20 ----------



The Taylor Report was pretty clear about who was at fault. Did you not read it?


The Taylor report was only accepted by the people who were happy with the result

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wow , quoting forum rules now . That's like the boy with a football who must take all the penalties or hes taking his football home


I also said I thought the rule was stupid, but what exactly is the point of rules if people aren't going to read and refer to them?

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I beg your pardon. My point is that victims families have had to fight for the truth because the powers that be had covered up the truth for so long.


Disagree. The Taylor Report blamed the police. The HIP and second inquest put to bed rumours spread by The Sun (and The Star) originating from Patnick which many people initially and continued to believe: Probably because they didn't read Taylor.


Can you repost your "claim" about NORAD accurately please?


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:38 ----------


wow , quoting forum rules now . That's like the boy with a football who must take all the penalties or hes taking his football home


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:31 ----------



The Taylor report was only accepted by the people who were happy with the result


The Taylor Report blamed the police. Those that blamed fans accepted it because they read it in The Sun.

Edited by Jacko92
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Worth reading for anyone who is interested in the subject.


There are many things that don't fit with 9/11

I don't tend to get involved discussing it on local forum like this one. Too many ill informed people ready to sling insults. However anyone who wants to see just how many things don't ring true about the official version can find plenty of information from reputable sources online. Anyone who wants to believe the official story can do so as I feel everyone is entitled to believe what they like .


well said ........


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:46 ----------


Disagree. The Taylor Report blamed the police. The HIP and second inquest put to bed rumours spread by The Sun (and The Star) originating from Patnick which many people initially and continued to believe: Probably because they didn't read Taylor.


Can you repost your "claim" about NORAD accurately please?


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:38 ----------



The Taylor Report blamed the police. Those that blamed fans accepted it because they read it in The Sun.


as I said, some people got the result they wanted , so they accepted it

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well said ........


What comfort, if any, do you get believing it was inside job instead of accepting Al Qaida don't like us?


I saw a stat that said 53% of Americans polled think 9/11 was an inside job. Over half of Americans believe their own government killed 3000 of their own citizens and did a trillion dollars worth of damage? For what? A war they aren't winning? Why aren't they marching in the streets?


Miners in the UK nearly brought down the UK government a few times over pay. Half of America thinks it's own government did 9/11 and carry on as normal?




---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 21:53 ----------


To return to 911 for a moment; the "five dancing Israeli's" is an aspect to all this that sends you down a mind blowing avenue when you read into it.


Before posting something else silly how about you report your NORAD "claim" again but accurately this time first?

Edited by Jacko92
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