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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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I recently read an article by someone who is ( I think ) a film maker. He had several arguments, but the main ones I remember were along the lines of...


I don’t know if NASA could have gone to the moon, but I do know they couldn’t have faked it in the way it has been portrayed...


1. There simply wasn’t the technology to provide TV transmissions in Slo-Mo (to mimic moon walks), in real time. The best they were able to do was to provide a 30 sec slo-mo, as used for sports replays. They would have needed a continuous slo-mo. Simply not do-able.




2. They were unable to evenly light the moon’s surface in a studio. Close(ish) lighting results in reduced light levels across the scene, as you get further from the light source. The only way around this is to put the light source so far away that both sides of the scene are effectively the same distance from the sourse. Coincidentally, the sun is far enough away to ensure even lighting. Studio lights are not.


I thought it provided an alternative approach. I can’t find it at present, but I’ll have another look.

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I recently read an article by someone who is ( I think ) a film maker. He had several arguments, but the main ones I remember were along the lines of...


I don’t know if NASA could have gone to the moon, but I do know they couldn’t have faked it in the way it has been portrayed...


1. There simply wasn’t the technology to provide TV transmissions in Slo-Mo (to mimic moon walks), in real time. The best they were able to do was to provide a 30 sec slo-mo, as used for sports replays. They would have needed a continuous slo-mo. Simply not do-able.




2. They were unable to evenly light the moon’s surface in a studio. Close(ish) lighting results in reduced light levels across the scene, as you get further from the light source. The only way around this is to put the light source so far away that both sides of the scene are effectively the same distance from the sourse. Coincidentally, the sun is far enough away to ensure even lighting. Studio lights are not.


I thought it provided an alternative approach. I can’t find it at present, but I’ll have another look.


its from this video i believe

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Thanks for reminding me of this. I haven't researched it in many years. I did have the stills in my files, from the Stanley Kubrick film but they have all now been removed? I wish I had printed them at the time... but didn't realise they would be removed if I needed them again. Which tells me categorically that the Moon LANDING was a fake. My Nephew is a nuclear physicist and my Son is a game/film creator, and both considered this to be a fake, many years ago, and the evidence is even more compelling now..imho.


And here is the film you refer to Alan:

Particularly notable is that none of the astronauts could look at the camera, or one another and all resigned from NASA as did the Director....


Y'see, I really can't get interested in this so haven't researched it, but if the footage was fake, maybe it was to do with the date. The president had pledged to land on the moon before the end of the decade (60s.) Maybe they weren't quite ready and didn't want to lose face.


Are you saying no one has ever landed on the moon, there's no space station, no probes on Mars etc? To me, the dates are irrelevant.

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Y'see, I really can't get interested in this so haven't researched it, but if the footage was fake, maybe it was to do with the date. The president had pledged to land on the moon before the end of the decade (60s.) Maybe they weren't quite ready and didn't want to lose face.


Are you saying no one has ever landed on the moon, there's no space station, no probes on Mars etc? To me, the dates are irrelevant.

its the Russians that couldnt land on the moon at that time, they were in disarray

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its the Russians that couldnt land on the moon at that time, they were in disarray


The Russians could land... they got probes to the Moon way before the Americans did - the US Ranger program was an embarrassment. It was the ability to land the men on the moon that eluded Russia.


NASA had decided that a lunar lander rather than a giant orbiter was a better bet and perfected the necessary techniques with the Gemini program - which was arguably the real technological innovation of the Apollo program.... the Russians simply chose the wrong direction. Given time the Russians woulkd have made the Moon, but the US stole the march on them in the mid 1960's and left them for dust.

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The Russians could land... they got probes to the Moon way before the Americans did - the US Ranger program was an embarrassment. It was the ability to land the men on the moon that eluded Russia.


NASA had decided that a lunar lander rather than a giant orbiter was a better bet and perfected the necessary techniques with the Gemini program - which was arguably the real technological innovation of the Apollo program.... the Russians simply chose the wrong direction. Given time the Russians woulkd have made the Moon, but the US stole the march on them in the mid 1960's and left them for dust.

im no expert but i watched this video last night


which gives some insight into Russias failure, seems plausable to me, i didnt say they wouldnt have got to the moon, i was replying to the time frame...ie:- 1969


---------- Post added 19-04-2018 at 18:40 ----------


Interesting videos by him on a couple of things conspiracy theorists also focus on about the moon landings.


The computers -

The Van Allen belt -

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I think there are elements of the 'main stream media' being driven by people with one agenda or another. Be it Murdoch, the government, foreign governments etc. The coverage of some aspects leading up to the Iraq war for example seem to me to be directed to soften us up for a war. In this case probably driven by Blair/Campbell/No 10. The North Korea coverage, by the BBC in particular, seems to be acting in a similar way at the moment.

Hi Pete,

As you say the MSM is driven by an AGENDA. Which is to inform the proles of their intentions.

Looking at the war in Syria, does anyone here actually know why the West is in there... I mean the real reason?

The US/UK/France/Israel/Saudi gave ex SAS mercenary James le Mesurier miiions in a USAID budget to recruit and train bespoke 'rebels' for every situation be they alQaeda/Daesh/ISIS/alNusra/al Shabatt et al. Now called WHITE HELMETS

These are the terrorists that go into a situation and create the climate to have a regime change. But they didn't count on the Russians stepping up to the plate in Syrai. Note how US had been bombing the previous incarnation of the white helmets - ISIS for 5 years, and despite them travelling across the desert in convoys of new Toyotas the Americans couldn't see them But Russia sorted them in one week?

This war IS about Russia selling oil and gas cheaper to the world for Euro$ rather than the World Bank preference Petro$. Russia leased the Kirkuk Ceyhan in Iraq and Kirkuk Banihas pipeline in Syria?? The USA have sabotaged Russia's SouthStream pipeline when John McClain and his goons visited Bulgaria to threaten them so that they tore up the legal contract.

Israel are so convinced of the outcome of this was that they have given GENIE OIL a contract to drill in the Golan Heights.. which is owned by Syria?? Who owns Genie - MURDOCH, Cheney, Rothschild and Co.

So what do we think is the MSM AGENDA???


Every thing in this video can be verified online.

In the videos below this one.


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 23:00 ----------


Y'see, I really can't get interested in this so haven't researched it, but if the footage was fake, maybe it was to do with the date. The president had pledged to land on the moon before the end of the decade (60s.) Maybe they weren't quite ready and didn't want to lose face.


Are you saying no one has ever landed on the moon, there's no space station, no probes on Mars etc? To me, the dates are irrelevant.


Hi Anna B,

If you watched the video I posted you would have seen that the Russians who were far more advanced in space than USA hadn't even sent anyone out pof the Van Allen Radiation Belt. And there is a reason for that... Radiation. Imagine wrapping your hand in a roll of aluminium, then stick it in a microwave,

I think this video will explain better than I can



Strange that they got three men to the moon with the limited technology of 1969 yet we have advanced ten thousand percent and haven't done it since. Instead we supposedly send machines? Which I reserve judgement about, if you don't mind.

Also the temperature on the moon is 298 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 242 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. How can any man survive that wrapped in three or four layers of aluminium stuffed with wadding?

It is known that Stanley Kubrik was asked to make this film after his success with 2001 AD but he was bound to secrecy. Now I know for a fact that people can be compromised to stay quiet or lose their families/life etc. But on his death bed I suppose he felt there could be no more threat so he admitted to making the film.... However - After his death, his daughter who I think has been got at.. says her Dad did not do this film?

I did have all the stills via videos in my files for many years, but when I tried to upload them, it says video not available. Which makes me even more certain that Kubrick did it, or why remove the video?

Edited by catpus
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Hi Anna B,

If you watched the video I posted you would have seen that the Russians who were far more advanced in space than USA hadn't even sent anyone out pof the Van Allen Radiation Belt. And there is a reason for that... Radiation. Imagine wrapping your hand in a roll of aluminium, then stick it in a microwave,

I think this video will explain better than I can



Strange that they got three men to the moon with the limited technology of 1969 yet we have advanced ten thousand percent and haven't done it since. Instead we supposedly send machines? Which I reserve judgement about, if you don't mind.

Also the temperature on the moon is 298 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 242 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. How can any man survive that wrapped in three or four layers of aluminium stuffed with wadding?

It is known that Stanley Kubrik was asked to make this film after his success with 2001 AD but he was bound to secrecy. Now I know for a fact that people can be compromised to stay quiet or lose their families/life etc. But on his death bed I suppose he felt there could be no more threat so he admitted to making the film.... However - After his death, his daughter who I think has been got at.. says her Dad did not do this film?

I did have all the stills via videos in my files for many years, but when I tried to upload them, it says video not available. Which makes me even more certain that Kubrick did it, or why remove the video?


How many people are involved in this conspiracy do you think? You need to look up the construction of the Apollo suits...

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