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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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Also the temperature on the moon is 298 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 242 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. How can any man survive that wrapped in three or four layers of aluminium stuffed with wadding?


That made me laugh. Moon landings were times to coincide with the beginning of the lunar day, where temperatures were rising from the extreme cold and were bearable. It's the equivalent of taking the dog out at 7 AM in a hot country before it gets too hot.


You do know a lunar day is almost an earth month right?

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I recently read an article by someone who is ( I think ) a film maker. He had several arguments, but the main ones I remember were along the lines of...


I don’t know if NASA could have gone to the moon, but I do know they couldn’t have faked it in the way it has been portrayed...


1. There simply wasn’t the technology to provide TV transmissions in Slo-Mo (to mimic moon walks), in real time. The best they were able to do was to provide a 30 sec slo-mo, as used for sports replays. They would have needed a continuous slo-mo. Simply not do-able.




2. They were unable to evenly light the moon’s surface in a studio. Close(ish) lighting results in reduced light levels across the scene, as you get further from the light source. The only way around this is to put the light source so far away that both sides of the scene are effectively the same distance from the sourse. Coincidentally, the sun is far enough away to ensure even lighting. Studio lights are not.


I thought it provided an alternative approach. I can’t find it at present, but I’ll have another look.



You are saying there wasn't the technology to make a film, yet they put men on the moon???

They didn't evenly light the moon anyway. Light came from conflicting angles... Which the sun does not do.

That is why the Moon landing was a fake.

Did you ever see 2001 Space Odyssey?

Edited by catpus
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A scientist proposes a theory that the Moon landings did not take place because they predicted that because " ... the temperature on the moon is 298 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 242 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. " would make it impossible for "...any man survive that wrapped in three or four layers of aluminium stuffed with wadding...".


The observation is proved wrong because of the timings of the landings were made to avoid these extremes.


The theory is wrong.


A Conspiracy Theorist does the same thing and two things happen:

1) they ignore the observation and move on to yet another claim that can be proved wrong.

2) another Conspiracy Theorist copies and pastes the falsity as "research". A mountain of false observation are made, which is used to impress an audience.


A Conspiracy Theorist is never wrong and can never admit to the possibility of being wrong, even if every individual observation can be proved false.


---------- Post added 21-04-2018 at 02:26 ----------


Did you ever see 2001 Space Odyssey?


Yes. It looked like a film, sounded like a film, directed by a film director, acted out by actors, created by a whole range of film and special effects technicians, shot on film over months, shot at studio sets,edited by film editors, marketed and sold to film distribution companies, commented on by critic, buffs, celebrities and the public, won awards, made money- it was definitely not faked.


Did I ever see the Moon landings?

Yes. It looked like Moon landings, it sounded like Moon landings, it was directed by engineers, acted out by military personnel, created by a whole range of scientists, engineers, technicians, shot on film and live, shot over a week, shot on location at Moon, Earth, California, Texas, Florida, UK, Australia and the Pacific using stills and movie, shown live and later on film, distributed by a hundred broadcasting companies around the world, commented on by astronomers, engineers, scientist and hundreds of millions of people, won awards and lost billions- it was definitely not faked.


But there was one dissenting voice, someone who saw it as it really was, someone who knew that the spidery image moving across the map of the Moon was really a spider- our cat.

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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Hi Pete,

As you say the MSM is driven by an AGENDA. Which is to inform the proles of their intentions.

Looking at the war in Syria, does anyone here actually know why the West is in there... I mean the real reason?

The US/UK/France/Israel/Saudi gave ex SAS mercenary James le Mesurier miiions in a USAID budget to recruit and train bespoke 'rebels' for every situation be they alQaeda/Daesh/ISIS/alNusra/al Shabatt et al. Now called WHITE HELMETS

These are the terrorists that go into a situation and create the climate to have a regime change. But they didn't count on the Russians stepping up to the plate in Syrai. Note how US had been bombing the previous incarnation of the white helmets - ISIS for 5 years, and despite them travelling across the desert in convoys of new Toyotas the Americans couldn't see them But Russia sorted them in one week?

This war IS about Russia selling oil and gas cheaper to the world for Euro$ rather than the World Bank preference Petro$. Russia leased the Kirkuk Ceyhan in Iraq and Kirkuk Banihas pipeline in Syria?? The USA have sabotaged Russia's SouthStream pipeline when John McClain and his goons visited Bulgaria to threaten them so that they tore up the legal contract.

Israel are so convinced of the outcome of this was that they have given GENIE OIL a contract to drill in the Golan Heights.. which is owned by Syria?? Who owns Genie - MURDOCH, Cheney, Rothschild and Co.

So what do we think is the MSM AGENDA???


Every thing in this video can be verified online.

In the videos below this one.


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 23:00 ----------



Hi Anna B,

If you watched the video I posted you would have seen that the Russians who were far more advanced in space than USA hadn't even sent anyone out pof the Van Allen Radiation Belt. And there is a reason for that... Radiation. Imagine wrapping your hand in a roll of aluminium, then stick it in a microwave,

I think this video will explain better than I can



Strange that they got three men to the moon with the limited technology of 1969 yet we have advanced ten thousand percent and haven't done it since. Instead we supposedly send machines? Which I reserve judgement about, if you don't mind.

Also the temperature on the moon is 298 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 242 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. How can any man survive that wrapped in three or four layers of aluminium stuffed with wadding?

It is known that Stanley Kubrik was asked to make this film after his success with 2001 AD but he was bound to secrecy. Now I know for a fact that people can be compromised to stay quiet or lose their families/life etc. But on his death bed I suppose he felt there could be no more threat so he admitted to making the film.... However - After his death, his daughter who I think has been got at.. says her Dad did not do this film?

I did have all the stills via videos in my files for many years, but when I tried to upload them, it says video not available. Which makes me even more certain that Kubrick did it, or why remove the video?

maybe the video was removed as its complete cack?


try these two videos to learn about travelling through the van allen belt and russians vs US space race



theres videos for everything you could possibly throw into the moon landing hoax conspiracy on that account


---------- Post added 21-04-2018 at 09:58 ----------


Yes, that's it. Thanks, Mel.

It may be common knowledge to some or most people, but I'd seen it only recently, and was intrigued by what I saw as a novel approach to the argument.

yup, an experienced film maker telling how the technology wasnt there to fake it


---------- Post added 21-04-2018 at 10:00 ----------


You are saying there wasn't the technology to make a film, yet they put men on the moon???

They didn't evenly light the moon anyway. Light came from conflicting angles... Which the sun does not do.

That is why the Moon landing was a fake.

Did you ever see 2001 Space Odyssey?

How the lowly computers of the time got men to the moon

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@ Mel


try these two videos to learn about travelling through the Van Allen belt and Russians vs US space race



Interesting video... but can you explain to me how the Van Allen Radiation Belt 'encircles' our earth, yet on this video it is portrayed as a pair of ears.. and the astronauts negotiated a route through the thinnest part of the ear to ride on into space?

Some people eh?

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Hi Pete,

As you say the MSM is driven by an AGENDA. Which is to inform the proles of their intentions.

Looking at the war in Syria, does anyone here actually know why the West is in there... I mean the real reason?

The US/UK/France/Israel/Saudi gave ex SAS mercenary James le Mesurier miiions in a USAID budget to recruit and train bespoke 'rebels' for every situation be they alQaeda/Daesh/ISIS/alNusra/al Shabatt et al. Now called WHITE HELMETS

These are the terrorists that go into a situation and create the climate to have a regime change. But they didn't count on the Russians stepping up to the plate in Syrai. Note how US had been bombing the previous incarnation of the white helmets - ISIS for 5 years, and despite them travelling across the desert in convoys of new Toyotas the Americans couldn't see them But Russia sorted them in one week?

This war IS about Russia selling oil and gas cheaper to the world for Euro$ rather than the World Bank preference Petro$. Russia leased the Kirkuk Ceyhan in Iraq and Kirkuk Banihas pipeline in Syria?? The USA have sabotaged Russia's SouthStream pipeline when John McClain and his goons visited Bulgaria to threaten them so that they tore up the legal contract.

Israel are so convinced of the outcome of this was that they have given GENIE OIL a contract to drill in the Golan Heights.. which is owned by Syria?? Who owns Genie - MURDOCH, Cheney, Rothschild and Co.

So what do we think is the MSM AGENDA???


Every thing in this video can be verified online.

In the videos below this one.


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 23:00 ----------



Hi Anna B,

If you watched the video I posted you would have seen that the Russians who were far more advanced in space than USA hadn't even sent anyone out pof the Van Allen Radiation Belt. And there is a reason for that... Radiation. Imagine wrapping your hand in a roll of aluminium, then stick it in a microwave,

I think this video will explain better than I can



Strange that they got three men to the moon with the limited technology of 1969 yet we have advanced ten thousand percent and haven't done it since. Instead we supposedly send machines? Which I reserve judgement about, if you don't mind.

Also the temperature on the moon is 298 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 242 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. How can any man survive that wrapped in three or four layers of aluminium stuffed with wadding?

It is known that Stanley Kubrik was asked to make this film after his success with 2001 AD but he was bound to secrecy. Now I know for a fact that people can be compromised to stay quiet or lose their families/life etc. But on his death bed I suppose he felt there could be no more threat so he admitted to making the film.... However - After his death, his daughter who I think has been got at.. says her Dad did not do this film?

I did have all the stills via videos in my files for many years, but when I tried to upload them, it says video not available. Which makes me even more certain that Kubrick did it, or why remove the video?


Putin cancelled the South Stream pipeline himself,nothing to do with Bulgaria being threatened by McCain.



Russia says South Stream project is over


Russia scrapped the South Stream pipeline project to supply gas to southern Europe, without crossing Ukraine, on Monday (December 1), citing EU objections, and instead named Turkey as its preferred partner for an alternative pipeline, with a promise of hefty discounts.

Edited by chalga
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>>>Putin cancelled the South Stream pipeline himself, nothing to do with Bulgaria being threatened by McCain.


Quote: Russia says South Stream project is over

Russia scrapped the South Stream pipeline project to supply gas to southern Europe, without crossing Ukraine, on Monday (December 1), citing EU objections, and instead named Turkey as its preferred partner for an alternative pipeline, with a promise of hefty discounts.<<<


I have spent the whole of my life empowering children and teaching them how to be critical thinkers. But there was always one or two who slipped through the net......

You either didn't read the whole article, or you just can't comprehend what was written.

I am always available to have a discussion, but there has to be a willingness on both sides to be informed.


" snip .. Despite seven years of planning, the South Stream pipeline that would carry gas from Russia to Europe via Bulgaria has been suspended.

After a long-running battle with the EU over the need for the pipeline and who would control it, Vladimir Putin announced that the project was over, in its present planned form at least.

South Stream is not necessarily dead in the water. The project retains the strong support of a number of states directly involved (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy, through commercial involvement). Also, agreements have been signed -though the EU demands that they are renegotiated- and preliminary construction has begun in Bulgaria and Serbia as well as substantial work having been completed in Russia.

Then there’s the fact, that as of December 19, Bulgaria considered the project to be ongoing. And, it is worth noting that in 2010 Russia also threatened to reroute the project, through Romania instead of Bulgaria.

So European Commission president Juncker, was quick to state that issues related to South Stream “are not insurmountable … it can be built”.

However, Gazprom’s Alexei Miller has argued that the project is over.. and on December 9 made the case that Bulgaria would suffer, because: “Approximately €3 billion will NOT be invested in Bulgaria and more than 6,000 jobs will NOT be created. Moreover, Bulgaria will lose its status of a transit country.”

For Russia the attraction of the South Shore project has been threefold: to sell more gas to Europe; to reduce reliance on Ukraine as a transit state; and to gain a degree of political leverage over the transit states its gas goes through.

Ukraine has been the main transit state for transporting Russian gas into Europe but has proved an unreliable partner for Russia, with its share of disruptions in 2006 and **2009, as well as the ongoing political tensions... (The USA generating civil unrest in Ukraine - to effect a regime change?)

But Russia does have other options; the North Stream pipeline through the Baltic Sea to Germany, and the Yamal pipeline through Belarus and Poland. (just wait for 'civil unrest' in these hot spots?)

Or, Russia could continue with the 80bcm of gas exports that already go through Ukraine, or a portion of these.

But if the goal is to reduce or remove dependence on this route then there is logic in the new Turkish hub. This would circumvent Ukraine and be free of the complications of EU law and Western politics.


In early June, European officials demanded that the Bulgarian government halt work on the pipeline, saying it breached the region’s rules.

Soon after, a delegation of senators, including Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin; John McCain, Republican of Arizona; and Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, met with Bulgaria’s prime minister to raise concerns about the project and the influence it gives Russia. They also criticized a pipeline contract awarded to a Russian company sanctioned by the United States. At a joint news conference later, Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski announced that Bulgaria would block the pipeline, called South Stream.


“What gives Vladimir Putin his power and control is his oil and gas reserves and West and Eastern Europe’s dependence on them,” Senator Johnson said in an interview. “We need to break up his stranglehold on energy supplies. We need to bust up that monopoly.”


The energy industry, with its interconnected web of corporate, government and economic interests, is proving a crucial pressure point in the Ukraine crisis. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/01/business/international/south-stream-pipeline-project-in-bulgaria-is-delayed.html


And there it was - a Regime change in Ukraine 2014?

Civil unrest created by the CIA bespoke mercenary army, and influenced by Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden - research?)



** 2009 ''Overnight the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered the state energy giant Gazprom to cut supplies to and through Ukraine by around three-fifths amid accusations that its neighbour has been siphoning off and stealing Russian gas.

Ukraine says the Russian move has been prompted by payment and price disputes, a row between the two that has become almost annual. (yes they haven't been paying their bill and don't forget they have been syphoning and stealing gas.)

Why would Russia have wanted to cut off their own noses?

The effects of the dispute on the rest of Europe however is stark, said Ukraine's main gas supplier.

Around 80 per cent of the gas European Union countries receive from Russia, comes through Ukraine.''

Can you see now, why the EU was so desperate to get UKRAINE into the EU.....

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1106382/Europe-plunged-energy-crisis-Russia-cuts-gas-supply-Ukraine.html#ixzz5DOou0FBx


---------- Post added 23-04-2018 at 13:48 ----------


its from this video i believe


The video Mel recommends is the opinion of a third rate photographer turned film maker? One film to be precise.


Myself I prefer to listen to the information of Engineers.

I realise it will be too taxing for those with short attention spans, but it is well worth the effort.

45.27 Can anyone else see the lunar buggie sitting between two sets of Monster Truck tyre imprints?


Particularly enlightening are the comments:

On this occasion one by t4705mb6

Whose father was a NASA engineer working on the Apollos and said "Hollywood is painting the Cape gold, It is political propaganda - a sham."


The deception was intended to boost low American morale.


You still want to believe men walked on the moon in 60/70s with their archaic computers and rockets? Yet we have watches and telephones which are hundred times more advanced, than what NASA used... So why can't they do it now... with all our superior advanced technology?

Edited by catpus
Edit to try and reduce ???
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  • 1 month later...

WOWZER, just been pointed to this video LOL, must be the wackiest conspiracy theory ever


The ZX Spectrum Vega+ is a handheld console version of the classic Zx spectrum computer. Which is controversial, as its been a couple or more years now and theres still no news that backers will actually recieve their consoles (its still ongoing)


anyway this gimp puts the name into some weird number decipherer and comes up with the Knights Templers, 9/11 AND Donald Trumps birthday lol


woooooo spooky

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WOWZER, just been pointed to this video LOL, must be the wackiest conspiracy theory ever


The ZX Spectrum Vega+ is a handheld console version of the classic Zx spectrum computer. Which is controversial, as its been a couple or more years now and theres still no news that backers will actually recieve their consoles (its still ongoing)


anyway this gimp puts the name into some weird number decipherer and comes up with the Knights Templers, 9/11 AND Donald Trumps birthday lol


woooooo spooky


Yeah, but it might just as easily come up with my birthday and my dad's inside leg measurement....

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