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Do you buy in to the news conspiracy theories?

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Oh please.... We would never have known about the MPs expenses scandal if it wasn't for some American reporter digging deep and coming up against all sorts of obstacles. Not least Speaker Michael Martin trying to invoke the Terrorism act.


We now have secret courts, and a self serving Establishment who control everything with almost limitless powers.


Really? What are all these limitless powers then and why do people keep finding out so much about them then?


Your asseritons simply dont make sense Anna - either we have siome amazing Stasi like coverup goon squads, or we don't - and information leaks. With the rate it leaks I tend to favour the latter...


---------- Post added 08-06-2018 at 12:54 ----------



They are hardly secret if the Guardian knows about them are they....


In camera hearings are nothing new and have been occuring for decades for intelligence related hearings.

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They are not secret at all. There are specific procedures enacted by parliament to deal with very limited application and even more limited use.



You could try and read this - it is not quite what you think it is -




I have also found this -


"Secondly, a closed material procedure is a serious departure from the fundamental principles of open justice and natural justice: see Al Rawi v Security Service [2012] 1 AC 531 per Lord Dyson at paragraph 35; Bank Mellat v HM Treasury (No.2) [2014] AC 700 per Lord Neuberger at paragraphs 2 to 4; McGartland per Richards LJ at paragraph 34. It therefore requires careful scrutiny and caution before it is adopted. ... However it must also be borne in mind that the incursion into the principles of natural and open justice which is inherent in a closed material procedure is the price which Parliament has determined should be paid in appropriate cases because it falls to be balanced against the competing policy that cases which require disclosure of material which would damage national security should not for that reason be incapable of a trial at all.



Can I suggest Anna you do a little more research than rely on a long out of date report from the Guardian.

Edited by redfox
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Oh please.... We would never have known about the MPs expenses scandal if it wasn't for some American reporter digging deep and coming up against all sorts of obstacles. Not least Speaker Michael Martin trying to invoke the Terrorism act.


We now have secret courts, and a self serving Establishment who control everything with almost limitless powers.


Do you know what a 'secret court' is?


If you do, why do you think it's an issue?

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You are mixing up wholly different issues


1. Family courts have always been confidential. The proceedings involve children and domestic issues.

Whether I agree or not about that they are very different to CMP - there is no valid comparison in my view.


2. The procedure - it’s not a secret court at all - typical hyperbole without proper analysis of the reality - is very closely regulated indeed.

You will have read the quote from Neuberger - Parliament has decided that cases should be dealt with even if they involve sensitive national security issues and laid down a process so those cases could continue as opposed to he plug being pulled because security implications prevented material being considered.


Have you not heard of Public Interest Immunity applications Anna? Happen all

The time in criminal proceedings.

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  • 6 months later...

Back to the moon landings........


When the Lunar Lander leaves the moon (takes off for home) the camera pans up to follow it...


errr who is operating the camera????


The filming could be just left to run, but it wouldn't follow the trajectory of the lunar module, it would be static images.

Edited by Crosser
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1 hour ago, Crosser said:

Back to the moon landings........


When the Lunar Lander leaves the moon (takes off for home) the camera pans up to follow it...


errr who is operating the camera????


The filming could be just left to run, but it wouldn't follow the trajectory of the lunar module, it would be static images.

One of the clangers filmed it, are you daft? Oo

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4 hours ago, Crosser said:

Back to the moon landings........


When the Lunar Lander leaves the moon (takes off for home) the camera pans up to follow it...


errr who is operating the camera????


The filming could be just left to run, but it wouldn't follow the trajectory of the lunar module, it would be static images.

Why don't you just look it up and find out?  I just did, it took all of ten seconds.

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15 hours ago, Crosser said:

Back to the moon landings........


When the Lunar Lander leaves the moon (takes off for home) the camera pans up to follow it...


errr who is operating the camera????


The filming could be just left to run, but it wouldn't follow the trajectory of the lunar module, it would be static images.

You forgot to ask who took the film out, took it to the local chemist, retrieved it and posted it back to earth?


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21 hours ago, Crosser said:

Back to the moon landings........


When the Lunar Lander leaves the moon (takes off for home) the camera pans up to follow it...


errr who is operating the camera????


The filming could be just left to run, but it wouldn't follow the trajectory of the lunar module, it would be static images.

A NASA person did it. 


If it takes 2.5 seconds for a radio signal to travel between the earth and the moon then all the operator has to do is pan up at T minus 5 seconds on the Lunar module crew's countdown,  and the pan will start at 0 as it takes off.

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