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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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I'm not interested in your guess as it's based on a false and derogatory assumption. Come back and offer an opinion having watched the programme and I'll give it due consideration.


But gender fluid (or more precise gender dysphoria) is defined as a mental disorder. Where is the false and derogatory assumption then?

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I'm not interested in your guess as it's based on a false and derogatory assumption.


Its mental illness plain and simple.

If you cant handle that then I suggest you go to your safe space, batten down the hatches and have a drink of soy milk.

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There are men and there are women. There are homosexuals and there are intersex.

All the rest are social media driven experimentations.

I felt I was a Fairy princess when I was little, but when I grew up I faced the reality that I wasn't. My sister identified as a Tom boy, because my Father treated her like the boy he had wanted.. when she grew up she was a woman. When my brother was born my Father couldn't be bothered with him because he didn't like football???


Young children between the age of 2 - 8 live in their imaginations. They can be Superman, Superwoman, Elsa, Ninja turtles Etc.... Left alone, they will automatically grow into whatever they were intended to be, and it will not be a fantasy figure.


When I had my son, I had two friends who had inter sex children. They were both assigned as male. One of them grew up to be male the other is now stuck in limbo. Although it was clear as daylight that he was a girl from the off. These 'boys' should have been left alone until they could be identified without a doubt as to what their gender was.

Children should be allowed to live their lives free of gender stereotyping and sexual exploitation. From birth they are subjected to images on TV, like TellyTubbies, Let's Play, Mr Tumble, Mrs Doubtfire, Tootsie, Mrs Brown's Boys, all have 'acceptable' gender fluid images.


Sexual awareness begins around eight years, and should just be left to blossom freely as nature intended. Not artificially manipulated.

Where we had parents that we grew up wanting to emulate.. nowadays it is the TV and celebrity magazines that give them the blueprint.. It feels to me that there is a concerted effort to confuse our children now by giving them information too soon that they cannot compute.

Every single TV programme shoves gender/sexuality messages. And I ask myself WHY? There have always been transvestites and homosexuals. My Aunt who was a Matron lived with a 'companion'. My Mum's friend's husband had a companion who he went hiking with who wore women's clothes and dyed his hair. My own brother is homosexual. We had a good friend as teenagers who was a transvestite. NONE of these were BIG ISSUES.

They just were who they were...

What I object to is having other peoples sexuality thrust down my throat.

Having watched Genderquake, I observed that all, but Tom and Fillomena, appeared to be obsessed with their 'labels' and sexuality. Thankfully, by the end of the programme they eventually realised that it was pointless, because it is the person that matters, not what their sexual preferences are....

Personally, I think they should spend less time pouting on Social Media, put down the celebrity magazines, get a job, get on with their lives and keep their sexuality to themselves and build a proper life..

At the end of the day, no body is really interested, except for a minute or two..

Unless the 'programme' is being aimed at my small children...then it becomes my business.


Now I am watching the debate? Where the self promoting Caitlan Jenner says that kids of 5/6/7 can investigate who they are on the internet!!!

If this happens, then in my view this is nothing short of parental neglect and child abuse...

There have been massive increases in referrals to the Tavistock institute..it is a ticking time bomb...

The saddest thing about this is the fact that all these gender confused people have a higher number of suicides than any other section of our society??

And it is time to put some protection in place to prevent any more young kids being confused and suicidal because they don't know what to be.... And not make it easier for charletans to make a fast buck on their confusion.


Adults can do what they please and be whatever gender they choose to be, but they should keep it to themselves, and have no right whatsoever to promote it to children.

Edited by catpus
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But gender fluid (or more precise gender dysphoria) is defined as a mental disorder. Where is the false and derogatory assumption then?


No, it isn't. You're simply wrong.


---------- Post added 09-05-2018 at 06:01 ----------


Its mental illness plain and simple.

If you cant handle that then I suggest you go to your safe space, batten down the hatches and have a drink of soy milk.


Again, you have your 'facts' wrong. It isn't.

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No, it isn't. You're simply wrong.


---------- Post added 09-05-2018 at 06:01 ----------



Again, you have your 'facts' wrong. It isn't.


Do you know if these are on sickness benefits due to their situation?have a dig you're good at that.

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From the NHS website ''Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness.''


---------- Post added 09-05-2018 at 06:26 ----------


Do you know if these are on sickness benefits due to their situation?have a dig you're good at that.


No. Do you think that if some of them were it would prove something significant?

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From the NHS website ''Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness.''


---------- Post added 09-05-2018 at 06:26 ----------



No. Do you think that if some of them were it would prove something significant?


Yes.....mental disorder which you strongly deny.

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Adults can do what they please and be whatever gender they choose to be, but they should keep it to themselves, and have no right whatsoever to promote it to children.


Do you keep your gender to yourself, hide it so as not to offend anyone?

Or do you mean that people who don't conform to your narrow view of normality should keep it to themselves to avoid upsetting you?


---------- Post added 09-05-2018 at 07:44 ----------


Its mental illness plain and simple.


I wonder if one day bigotry won't be defined as a mental illness. Perhaps bigots could be forcibly detained and given ECT. That would be ironic wouldn't it.

In the meantime though, adults can be bigots, but you should keep it hidden, you have no right or reason to keep waving your bigotry about in public.

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