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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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Because there's a very small number of people who identify themselves differently to most people. They are not harming you and the chances of meeting one are slim in case you were worried about that.



Odds are you meet plenty, they just don't go around shouting about it so you never noticed.


They manage this on the continent by not being quite such big prudes as we are.


It's a bit weird having women walk past to a stall whilst you're tinkling in the urinal, but it seems to work.


Or you could still have two rooms, but one just urinals and the others cubicles.


Its already close to this in many mens toilets such as Meadowhall.


If all the cubicles could be used by anyone it would make parents taking their opposite-sex kids to the toilet far less stressful, plus prevent there being all those unused cubicles in the mens while a queue forms outside the ladies. You could probably even fit MORE cubicles in a combined space, although my personal preference would be to make them bigger so they aren't so hard to get in and out of.


It might also help to reduce the paranoia some people have of the opposite sex in this country.


Many leisure centres (Ponds Forge and Graves being two I know of) have a combined changing facility anyway. I find it bizarre that the toilets are still separate, it feeds the fear that all men are perverts and that all women are snowflakes that need to be protected from them.


Its even more bizarre when you consider that having segregated changing rooms means girls under 7 get naked in front of strange men, and vice versa. Not that anyone should actually be concerned about that, but its such converse logic to the toilet fiasco.


For example you cannot have males performing detailed physical searches on females, just because the male officer came into work and declared they are a woman today.


Which is already covered, you can refuse to have ANYONE, male or female, doing anything like that if it makes you uncomfortable. The same way they ask if its okay to have a student in the room.


When I went to the doctor for an infection of my private parts it was a women who inspected me, I was fine with that. Just look at how many male gynecologists there are.

Edited by AlexAtkin
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Ponds Forge has a combined changing facility? As in changing for the gym? With showers and so on?

Toilets surely make more sense to start with than changing facilities, some people don't even like getting naked in front of their own gender, never mind the opposite.

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Many leisure centres (Ponds Forge and Graves being two I know of) have a combined changing facility anyway. I find it bizarre that the toilets are still separate, it feeds the fear that all men are perverts and that all women are snowflakes that need to be protected from them.


But you are happy that with joined facilities men are not being protected from false allegations by women


Its even more bizarre when you consider that having segregated changing rooms means girls under 7 get naked in front of strange men, and vice versa. Not that anyone should actually be concerned about that, but its such converse logic to the toilet fiasco.


why would anyone allow 7 year old girls to get naked in front of strange men? or allow strange men to get naked in front of 7 year old girls?


that kind behaviour is i believe still frowned upon in this country


public changing rooms really ought to be all cubicles these days and the shower facilities communal with wearing of swimming costumes whilst using them being the accepted norm




When I went to the doctor for an infection of my private parts it was a women who inspected me, I was fine with that. Just look at how many male gynecologists there are.


and that is a big deal because....? As long as the doctor and I can understand each other i care not a jot as to their gender or indeed their perception of their gender

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But you are happy that with joined facilities men are not being protected from false allegations by women


Most men simply never consider that possibility since fasle allegations made by women of sexual harassment are extremely rare.




why would anyone allow 7 year old girls to get naked in front of strange men? or allow strange men to get naked in front of 7 year old girls?


that kind behaviour is i believe still frowned upon in this country


Because the vast majority of men have absolutely zero sexual interest in 7 year old girls; because theirs nothing shameful or sexual about naked human beings?



public changing rooms really ought to be all cubicles these days and the shower facilities communal with wearing of swimming costumes whilst using them being the accepted norm


For what reason? You cannot possibly wash yourself properly in a swimming costume.


and that is a big deal because....? As long as the doctor and I can understand each other i care not a jot as to their gender or indeed their perception of their gender


Then why so prudish when it comes to others (who just like the doctor, have absolutely no sexual interest in you) seeing you naked?

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The conviction rate for alleged rapists would suggest otherwise.


It suggests a system skewed in favour of men, where women's accounts are frequently dismissed, scorned and held up to ridicule - where women's sexually history is brought up and used against them and a system which many victims still don't trust.


Your interpretation of the low conviction rate for rape is precisely the kind of misogynistic nonsense I'd expect someone who says there's a 'war on men'.

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Less than 3% of the population??? FFS!


What's that got to do with it? Should minorities be ignored?

3% = 1,950,000 people, or 3.4x the population of Sheffield. That's quite a lot of people.

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It suggests a system skewed in favour of men, where women's accounts are frequently dismissed, scorned and held up to ridicule - where women's sexually history is brought up and used against them and a system which many victims still don't trust.

Tell that to Rolf and the rest.



Your interpretation of the low conviction rate for rape is precisely the kind of misogynistic nonsense I'd expect someone who says there's a 'war on men'.


My bold.

Whats that word? Ive never seen you use it before.

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It suggests a system skewed in favour of men, where women's accounts are frequently dismissed, scorned and held up to ridicule - where women's sexually history is brought up and used against them and a system which many victims still don't trust.


You are more than a little out of date. The police are learning the lessons of automatically believing alleged sex crime victims.




London police are ditching guidelines to automatically believe sexual assault complaints, the Met Police Commissioner has said.


After heavy criticism over a series of failed sex crimes cases, the force will now put their role as investigators first, Met Commissioner Cressida Dick said.

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