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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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Bearing in mind of course that said ministers have not actually done anything yet.


Surely in true spirit of gender equality shouldn't men also be receiving the same guarantees?

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Fill - men are receiving the same guarantees. More information here.

Ministers said they had “no intention” of changing laws that allow female- and male-only areas, which some campaigners have said discriminate against trans people.


News from Scotland about this issue: Girls ‘negatively affected’ by new rules on transgender school pupils.

Edited by Jomie
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  • 1 month later...
Article in the Sunday Times today about (biological) women only spaces: Ministers put curbs on trans rights.


opening paragraph says


"Ministers have vowed to defend women’s rights to exclude transgender people from female-only spaces such as changing rooms, lavatories and swimming sessions."


i notice ministers are not rushing to defend men's rights to exclude transgender people from male-only spaces such as changing rooms, lavatories and swimming sessions.


why is that then?


and would someone like to show us all where this question can be cleared up as it is not very clear.


what is the gender of a transgender male?

is this a guy who wants us all to treat him as though he is a woman?


a woman that wants us all to treat her as though she is a man?


don't get me wrong i'm certainly not going waste any time or effort to struggle with this.


if i see someone that appears to be a guy regardless how he has chosen to be dressed i will address him as.. and treat him as ...what he appears to be ...a guy


and of course the reverse of that is also true.


and if i see someone clearly of the wrong gender using facilities that are intended to be gender specific i will report them and warn others that they are doing so.


after all a woman in a men's toilet or changing room is a potential law suit against some poor sod just waiting to happen


and i'm sure the reverse is also true.

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Relevant to this thread, I noticed at Meadowhall at the moment that they have some temporary outdoor toilets set up whilst work is happening.

Ironically there are 5 doors, each doors says on it "5 individual cubicles". 4 of those doors also say "Women", and one says "Men", but also "Out of Order"...

Given that there are indeed only individual cubicles inside, why aren't these all just unisex?

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Relevant to this thread, I noticed at Meadowhall at the moment that they have some temporary outdoor toilets set up whilst work is happening.

Ironically there are 5 doors, each doors says on it "5 individual cubicles". 4 of those doors also say "Women", and one says "Men", but also "Out of Order"...

Given that there are indeed only individual cubicles inside, why aren't these all just unisex?


the disparity in numbers women's toilets to men's being 4:1 comes as no surprise

that the men's is out of order but no-one could swap a sign also surprises me not


those apparent inequalities aside


many women prefer not want to share public toilets with men because too many men are either careless about or incapable of ******* with any degree of accuracy.


and who could blame women for holding such views... i certainly don't

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on a similar note, according to this



43 transgender people have run for office in the US this year, and also a record year for females running for office also.


So 40,000 women interested in running for office in the US according to the Independent and 43 wannabes it will be interesting to see how many of both get voted in.


not sure what that has to do with sheffield or the uk

more pertinent perhaps

there are 208 female MPs in the UK and so far one 1 wannabe for the next election hardly exciting news... certainly nothing to make you spill your cocoa

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