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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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How have you managed to move onto children? Children, particularly the younger end of the spectrum, use whichever facility is appropriate for the parent they're with... So I think you're onto a loser with that one......


.............. Your entire argument is about your opinion taking precedence and how people should behave in the way that you think is correct.


i'm not trying to impose my opinion i'm just stating it.


and as children are generally considered to be amongst vthe most vulnerable people in society i am certain i am not alone in thinking we all have a collective responsibility when it comes to their safety.


sending a child alone into a public toilet in which there are men and men concealing or presenting themselves as women does not seem to me to somewhere that i would send a child.... if you would and its your child that's your choice i suppose.


i think you would be wrong .... thats my opinion ..which i am stating not imposing.

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i'm not trying to impose my opinion i'm just stating it.


and as children are generally considered to be amongst vthe most vulnerable people in society i am certain i am not alone in thinking we all have a collective responsibility when it comes to their safety.


sending a child alone into a public toilet in which there are men and men concealing or presenting themselves as women does not seem to me to somewhere that i would send a child.... if you would and its your child that's your choice i suppose.


i think you would be wrong .... thats my opinion ..which i am stating not imposing.


I'd accompany younger children visiting a public toilet anyway - which makes any concerns about 'men presenting themselves as women' rather invalid anyway does it not?


By the way, have you any evidence that transgender people present any higher risk to children than men, or is that just an irrational idea on your part?

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I'd accompany younger children visiting a public toilet anyway - which makes any concerns about 'men presenting themselves as women' rather invalid anyway does it not?


By the way, have you any evidence that transgender people present any higher risk to children than men, or is that just an irrational idea on your part?


I'd say, define what 'transgender' is and how it can be an official thing when the main argument is that it's fluid.


Technically, a woman can commit a sexual crime, but if she identifies as a man, does that go down statistically as a man commiting a crime?


It can't be argued because gender is fluid and to question that means you're a Trump supporting Nazi rape apologist anti-wage gappist...

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I'd say, define what 'transgender' is and how it can be an official thing when the main argument is that it's fluid.


Technically, a woman can commit a sexual crime, but if she identifies as a man, does that go down statistically as a man commiting a crime?


It can't be argued because gender is fluid and to question that means you're a Trump supporting Nazi rape apologist anti-wage gappist...


I don't know, does it really matter all that much?

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i'm not trying to impose my opinion i'm just stating it.


and as children are generally considered to be amongst vthe most vulnerable people in society i am certain i am not alone in thinking we all have a collective responsibility when it comes to their safety.

You do seem to be alone in thinking that they should be sent into a changing room without their parent though.


sending a child alone into a public toilet in which there are men and men concealing or presenting themselves as women

Careful, your prejudice is showing a through.

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You do seem to be alone in thinking that they should be sent into a changing room without their parent though..


am i?.. at what age should an adult male as a father /guardian/ responsible adult/ carer etc stop taking his daughter/female child in his care.. into the men's changing rooms or toilets?


then at that age you are saying you are comfortable wth them going into a changing room/ public toilet alone. and you are then saying you would be comfortable with them going in there when you have seen men some even posing as women enter the same facility.


if you are good with that i pity any child in your care


Careful, your prejudice is showing a through.


BTW i have no prejudices


prejudice : a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.


i can tell you i did have an elevated sense of survival which was partly why i was selected for training in risk assessment for myself and a person or persons.


letting a child out of your sight is always has potential risks.. some of which are very low level and acceptable like them playing outside out of sight and earshot but near home with friends etc and some like letting them out of your sight in a town or city have potentially much higher risks based on a variety of factors.


i would not knowingly put a child at risk though in that regard i do understand some people's naivety in that regard their natural instinct sadly not being sufficient.. unfortunately not unlike yourself apparently.

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I don't know, does it really matter all that much?


It may do when it comes to which type of prison they'll be placed. We already have situations where transgender prisoners - for example MtF - want to be moved to a women's prison.


So, what, we now have to open trans prisons because trans prisoners will be uncomfortable being in gendered ones? I can see how a FtM trans person wouldn't want to be placed in a male prison, but, by having now transitioned, they are no longer female...


But, then, gender is a man-made construct, so just do away with gendered prisons and let ALL criminals mingle, regardless of which of the 1001 genders there supposedly are.


---------- Post added 07-09-2018 at 12:26 ----------


funny how this thread has devolved into transgender people committing crime, particularly sexual crimes....against children :(

Lowest common denominator...yet again


I haven't mentioned children...

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